June 28, 2022 Aaron Gulbransen
The chorus of Tennessee legislators calling on Governor Bill Lee to take action to help save the jobs of Tennessee National Guard members continues to grow.
Several additional Tennessee legislators have come forward to The Tennessee Star, issuing statements in solidarity ...Read More...
05-29-2022 Dr. David Jeremiah
"Freedom isn't free" is a popular adage, especially around Memorial Day. When we look at the price paid by soldiers who come home wounded, or who don't come home at all, we realize the cost of deliverance from tyranny and oppression.
Christians can understand better ...
November 13, 2021 Admin
Legal rebuke: Federal appeals court orders Biden not to enforce 'fatally flawed' vaccine mandate
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals says mandate on private firms "threatens to substantially burden the liberty interests of reluctant individual recipients put to a choice ...Read More...
September 17, 2021 Chris Butler
NASHVILLE, Tennessee — Hundreds of Tennesseans said their displeasure with COVID-19 mandates has intensified and it’s time for Lieutenant Governor Randy McNally (R-Oak Ridge) to relent and allow a special legislative session so the state can fight ...Read More...
July 16, 2021 Corinne Murdock
Contrary to current claims, the Tennessee Department of Health (TDH) reportedly fired its previous Vaccine-Preventable and Infectious Diseases State Medical Director Dr. Michelle Fiscus due to months of unprofessional behavior and poor job performance. TDH Chief ...Read More...
Meghan Mangrum Nashville Tennessean June 16, 2021
Some lawmakers are taking aim at the Tennessee Department of Health and the state's top health official for encouraging minors to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
Several Republican lawmakers questioned state Health Commissioner Dr. Lisa Piercey during ...Read More...