Idaho moves to ban transgender birth certificate changes: 'Biological sex is a real scientific fact'
By Keith Ridler - Associated Press - Thursday, February 27, 2020
BOISE, Idaho — Idaho lawmakers moved forward Thursday with legislation banning transgender people from changing the sex listed on their birth certificates despite a federal court ruling declaring such a ban unconstitutional.
Ohio and Tennessee are the only other states in the country where transgender people cannot change their birth certificates, according to a law firm that has challenged the practice in court. In Idaho, this is another effort by the conservative state to target the population as Republicans in the House a day earlier advanced legislation to keep transgender women from competition.
The Republican-dominated House voted 53-16 to pass the measure that now goes to the GOP-controlled Senate. If approved, it would go to Republican Gov. Brad Little for his signature.
“Biological sex is a real scientific fact, and it never goes away,” said Republican Rep. Julianne Young. “No amount of surgery, hormones or other procedures can change a person’s biological sex.”
She said preventing changes to the gender on birth certificates is important because schools use birth certificates to determine who can use which bathrooms and who can attend sex-specific overnight trips. She also said it’s important so that the state can maintain accurate records for large studies involving population trends.
A federal judge in March 2018 ruled that Idaho’s law barring transgender people from making the birth certificate change violated the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution. The judge scrapped the ban and warned against new rules.
After the ruling, about 150 people over the next six months applied to change the gender on their birth certificates, according to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. They ranged from 7 to 78 years old.
After Idaho lost the lawsuit it paid $75,000 in court-ordered attorney fees to the winning side. The state never appealed the decision.
Young spoke at length about the case, arguing essentially the federal court erred and the Idaho attorney general’s office failed to sufficiently defend the state’s interests. Republican Rep. Bryan Zollinger said the court ruling was an example of a judge creating legislation from the bench.
Democratic Rep. John Gannon said the legislation was a clear violation of the court ruling, and should it become law Idaho would lose again in court and pay more money to the winning side.
“All this bill is doing is picking on a vulnerable population,” he said.
Republican Rep. Linda Hartgen said the federal court ruling was a deciding factor for her in voting against the bill.
“My job here is to protect all of the people of my district and the state of Idaho,” Hartgen said. “Not just those who look like me.”
A proposal that would have blocked transgender people from changing the sex listed on their birth certificates in Utah was shelved earlier this month. The legislation would have reversed the longstanding practice in many parts of the state and had prompted warnings that it could put Utah in a negative national spotlight as Salt Lake City tries to attract a future Winter Olympics.
Lambda Legal is the law firm that represented two transgender women whose lawsuit led to the court ruling in Idaho. The firm also sued Kansas, which ended up changing its policy. The group said it is challenging the Ohio and Tennessee laws.
100 elite Border Patrol agents will be deployed to 10 major cities including New York and Los Angeles; reaction and analysis on 'Outnumbered.'
A federal appeals court on Wednesday handed a major win to the Trump administration in its fight against “sanctuary” jurisdictions, ruling that it can deny grant money to states that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities.
The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in New York overturned a lower court ruling that stopped the administration’s 2017 move to withhold grant money from the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program, which dispenses over $250 million a year to state and local criminal justice efforts.
“Today’s decision rightfully recognizes the lawful authority of the Attorney General to ensure that Department of Justice grant recipients are not at the same time thwarting federal law enforcement priorities,” a DOJ spokesman said in a statement. “The grant conditions here require states and cities that receive DOJ grants to share information about criminals in custody. The federal government uses this information to enforce national immigration laws--policies supported by successive Democrat and Republican administrations.”
“All Americans will benefit from increased public safety as this Administration is able to implement its lawful immigration and public safety policies,” the statement said.
The latest decision conflicts with rulings from other appeals courts across the country concerning sanctuary policies, indicating a Supreme Court review is ultimately likely.
New York City and liberal states including New York, Washington, Massachusetts and Connecticut sued the government, and the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York backed them — ordering the money be released and stopping the government from putting immigration-related conditions on grants.
But the appeals court ruled that it “cannot agree that the federal government must be enjoined from imposing the challenged conditions on the federal grants here at issue.”
“These conditions help the federal government enforce national immigration laws and policies supported by successive Democratic and Republican administrations,” the court ruled. “But more to the authorization point, they ensure that applicants satisfy particular statutory grant requirements imposed by Congress and subject to Attorney General oversight.”
It also disagreed with the district court’s claim that the conditions intrude on powers reserved only to states, noting that in immigration policy the Supreme Court has found that the federal government maintains “broad” and “preeminent” power.
The ruling marks a key win for the administration in its efforts to crack down on the continued use of “sanctuary” policies that limit local law enforcement cooperation with federal immigration authorities in order to shield illegal immigrants from deportation.
The Heritage Foundation’s Mike Howell, a former member of Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Legal Counsel, told Fox News that the ruling is potentially an important development considering the dependence of states like New York on DOJ grant money.
“When you look at the amount of money that flows in via grants generally, the federal government has a lot of power over states and localities,” he said. “If you open the door to the federal government being able to condition that grant money, it’s a huge deal.”
Sanctuary policies generally forbid local law enforcement from honoring detainers -- requests from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that they be alerted to of an illegal immigrant’s release from custody so they can be be picked up by ICE and put through deportation proceedings.
Proponents of the policies claim it makes cities safer because it encourages illegal immigrants to cooperate with police without fear of deportation. But the Trump administration has been relentlessly pushing back by highlighting cases in which criminals are released onto the streets only to re-offend.
It has also deployed a series of measures to combat the practice, including deploying elite Border Patrol agents to sanctuary cities to help ICE track down and detain illegal immigrants.
The Justice Department recently announced a slew of measures, and President Trump has called on Congress to pass legislation that would allow victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants to sue sanctuary cities and states.
“Not one more American life should be stolen by sanctuary cities; they’re all over the place and a lot of people don’t want them,” Trump said at the State of the Union address this month.
Many people wonder why I’m so outspoken about the madness of prescribing cross-sex hormones and genital mutilation surgery for patients who suffer from the desire to be the opposite sex, known clinically as gender dysphoria.
I speak out because I consulted the “gender experts” when I had gender confusion, and they told me sex change was the only way to get relief.
But they were wrong. I didn’t need sex change – I needed effective psychotherapy to resolve childhood issues.
“Sex change” is pure balderdash. No one can change his or her sex. I have the document saying so.
Here’s how it came about.
After eight years of living as a woman, I finally admitted that truth to myself and sought to reclaim my male identity. In an effort to restore my birth certificate to “male,” I formally asked two acclaimed experts in 1990 to testify to my being male in California Superior Court.
They were Dr. Stanley Biber, the world-renowned sex-change surgeon who performed my operation and over 4,000 others in his career, and psychologist/sexologist Paul Walker, my gender therapist and the esteemed author of the original Standards of Care for transgender health.
These two men, both dead now, were the leading experts in the nascent field of “gender” medicine. In the document they co-authored, signed, and submitted to California Superior Court, they admitted that sex changes do not occur medically.
No Change of Sex Occurs
The court document from July 25, 1990, states that I meet the medical criteria for the male sex, even after a full-blown sex change. Men do not become women through surgery or hormones.
Paragraph 5 of the document reads:
This Patient, by the criteria established by John Money, Ph.D. at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, is indeed now considered a male. We plead that the court will reestablish this man’s legal identity as male. The patient’s medical sex is evaluated as follows:
Genetic Sex ………………………………………………………..Male
Hormonal Sex……………………………………………………..Neuter
Internal Morphology…………………………………………..Male
External Morphology………………………………………….Mixed
Gonadal Sex……………………………………………………….Neuter
Social Sex (gender role)……………………………………..Male
“Genetic Sex [is] Male.” According to the testimony of both doctors, sex-change surgery fails to change a person’s genetic sex.
“Internal Morphology [is] Male.” That is, the internal form and structure of the body remains male even after years of hormone use and sex-changing surgical procedures.
In retrospect, it’s a game-changing bombshell. The renowned gender experts testified that even when a person undergoes sex-change surgery and takes cross-gender hormones for many years, genetic sex and internal morphology do not change.
Transgender identity doesn’t exist except in one’s imagination.
So What Does Change?
What does change, then, according to the sex-change surgeon and the gender expert?
“Gonadal Sex [is] Neuter.” The male reproductive organs are refashioned surgically into a pseudo-vagina and the ability to provide sperm is destroyed.
“Hormonal Sex [is] Neuter.” The ability to produce testosterone is destroyed.
“External Morphology [is] Mixed.” Outward appearance of the male body is a mix of male and female. Cosmetic procedures and hormones have a feminizing effect on appearance, but many male traits remain, such as hand size, foot size, and physical strength.
The court document attests that only social sex (gender role) and external morphology (outward appearance) can change.
Therefore, people can skip the hormones and ditch the radical genital surgery because they are not medically necessary. By providing them, the medical professionals commit medical malpractice.
Sex change at its heart is only a social sex change, staged by gender-confused people themselves through a change of clothes and name.
Transgender Women in Sports
Men who claim to be women and then intrude in women’s sports competitions because men’s sports are too difficult for them are only socially pretending to be women.
Their muscle mass, physical strength, and internal bone structure remain even if their testosterone levels later drop—all determined at puberty by the flood of testosterone.
It’s folly to place men on the cover of magazines and celebrate their courage to “come out” as a transgender female when, according to this court document, they are still genetic men.
I think that transgender women (men who are impersonating women) have pulled off one of the biggest misogynistic scams against women in history. Transgender women are saying, in effect, that the beautiful, distinct female sex – womanhood itself – is nothing more than wardrobe choices and some cosmetic surgery.
Pure balderdash.
This Explains the Unhappiness
This court document also helps explain the explosion of reported unhappiness, regret, and detransition stories emerging from the U.K., Canada, and the U.S.
Some of the regretters after changing gender tell me they feel like they are in “gender hell” or that “it was the biggest mistake of my life.”
“I realized I could never become a real woman,” one said. “Now I want my life back; can you help me?”
I detransitioned 30 years ago, in 1990, and have written many articles and books to shine a light on the harm this grand experiment has caused for so many people: suicides and attempted suicides, fractured marriages, deserted children.
Two renowned gender experts, sexologist Paul Walker and surgeon Stanley Biber, exposed the reckless and false ideology in the 1990 court document. Inadvertently, I’m sure, considering they continued to guide hurting people along the same destructive path.
This document filed by experts with the Superior Court of California plainly says that sex-changing surgery does not change men into women, or vice versa. So let’s stop pretending it does.
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Walt Heyer is a public speaker and author of the book, “Trans Life Survivors.” Through his website,, and his blog,, Heyer raises public awareness about those who regret gender change and the tragic consequences suffered as a result.
A teacher in an Advanced Placement History class displayed a picture of President Trump above a swastika and the Communist hammer-and-sickle.
The Fox television affiliate in Baltimore reports that above the picture of the president are the words "Wants to round up a group of people and build a giant wall." The words "been there" and "done that" appear under the pictures of the swastika and hammer and sickle. A banner on the side reads "Oh that's why it sounds so familiar!"
"Educational malfeasance of the highest degree," state lawmaker Kathy Szeliga wrote on social media.
Parents were rightfully disgusted and outraged that their teenage children had been subjected to leftist propaganda.
"The biggest problem is pushing an agenda on 16-year-olds," one parent told Fox45. "My understanding is that was just put up and it was left there for everyone to see the whole day."
Baltimore County Councilman Wade Kach wants to know where the curriculum came from.
"To even imply that our president is in any way a Nazi or a communist is outrageous," the councilman told the television station. "I just think that it’s irresponsible to post anything like this in a classroom."
The school district, in a statement released to local media, defended the presentation:
"The topics being discussed included World Wars and the attempts by some leaders to limit, or prevent migration, into certain countries. In isolation and out of context with the lesson, the image could be misunderstood. In our Advanced Placement (AP) classes, which are college level courses, we expect and encourage analysis and discussion around historical and current events even if they are considered controversial. This lesson was not intended to make a political statement. If a student has concerns when discussing a controversial issue, schools have the tools to address the concern and support the student."
The school district's statement is a load of fertilizer, folks. There's no misunderstanding the teacher's intent. And there's no mistaking the teacher's political statement.
This government-funded propagandist needs to be disciplined but more importantly the brainwashed students need to be deprogrammed.
Tennessee officials could provide more information concerning how they approve textbooks and instructional materials in the state’s public schools, according to a new report from the state Comptroller’s Office.
But that’s only one of the report’s findings.
The report examines how effectively members of the Tennessee Textbook and Instructional Quality Commission carry out their work, according to a Comptroller’s press release.
“The Textbook Commission is charged in law with recommending an official list of textbooks and instructional materials for public school students in grades K-12 to the State Board of Education for final approval,” according to the Comptroller’s press release.
“The commission must ensure textbooks and materials are aligned to Tennessee’s curriculum standards.”
The analysis by the Comptroller’s Office of Research and Education Accountability reported the following:
• The Textbook Commission has not had full membership since 2016, and current membership does not reflect the grand divisions of the state.
• The Tennessee Department of Education has historically allocated limited staff to support the commission’s activities, though the department recently increased staff support for the commission.
• More information about each step on the path to approval for all textbooks and instructional materials on the state-approved list would make the adoption process more transparent and understandable. TDOE does not maintain consolidated information regarding the number of materials submitted for each review, the number of materials that pass on first review and second review, or the number of appeals and substitution requests submitted by publishers for each adoption cycle.
• The textbook adoption process does not require publishers to fully disclose all the terms of use and licensing restrictions when submitting materials for inclusion on the state-approved list.
• Tennessee’s adoption process allows open educational resources to be submitted for review if the bidder submitting the materials meets certain requirements.
“The report, which was prepared at the request of Senator Dolores Gresham, also reviews the adjustments that may be needed in the textbook selection process given technological changes,” the press release said.
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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to
Revival is taking place in Tennessee after churches from various denominations partnered together in prayer and fasting, igniting a move of God's Spirit that has transformed lives across the region.
CBN News has learned more about the revival that's underway in Tennessee involving 1,000 churches across the Volunteer State. It's a part of "Awaken Tennessee", a 30-day prayer and fasting initiative that launched on Jan. 26 and will run through Feb. 23.
As CBN News reported on Monday, churches across Tennessee are fasting and praying for unity, according to Sheldon Livesay, East Tennessee coordinator for Awaken Tennessee.
The event is not about any one church or denomination. It's been described by Pastor John Butler of the East Rogersville Baptist Church in Rogersville as a concentrated prayer effort across the state for true revival in our churches that triggers an awakening in local communities, the state, and the nation.
The initiative started last year when Pastor Dave Clayton of Nashville's Ethos Church was successful in getting 400 churches to come together to pray for every single resident of the city. Awaken Nashville was a huge success, so this year Clayton and other organizers decided to invite churches in the entire state to participate.
According to Livesay, Dove Award-winning singer/songwriters Terry and Barbi Franklin took the idea through their prayer network and also contacted churches across the state to take part in the initiative.
Pastors are reporting their services are exploding with revival services as a result of the Holy Spirit showing up and taking over.
Butler told CBN News in an email that his church decided to join the Awaken Tennessee event and was preparing to host a revival conference with guest revivalist John Avant, president of Life Action Ministries. The Franklins would serve as worship leaders.
The East Rogersville Church launched Awaken TN with multiple churches gathering for a night of praise, prayer, and worship on Sunday, Jan. 26 and then the revival conference was to start the next Sunday morning Feb. 2.
"The week between these two Sundays was filled with prayer in our church. Each weeknight people gathered in homes to pray. It was an intense week of prayer for many of our people. God had been quietly working in many lives, but we had no idea of what He was about to do," Butler wrote.
'Wave After Wave...'
Then Sunday morning came and what happened next astounded everyone, including the pastor.
As the Franklins led the song "10,000 Reasons," "One man sitting on the back row made his way to the altar and began to weep and pray. A host of other men gathered around him and prayed. Before the end of the song, the altar was filled with people. Slowly the altar began to empty, then it would fill again. Wave after wave of people broken before the Lord. Jesus had walked into our midst that morning and set up His throne and He has been here ever since," Butler told CBN News.
The pastor said it was almost an hour before Avant made it to the pulpit.
"The first words from his mouth were that he felt the need to be very careful about what was said at this moment because this was a special moment. John was the pastor of Coggin Avenue Baptist Church in Brownwood, TX in 1995 when revival broke out in that church and several other churches in the city simultaneously as well as on the campus of Howard Payne University. John stated that he had never witnessed this type of movement within a church since those days. We had coordinated our revival conference to coincide with the 50 year anniversary of the Asbury Revival of 1970 and the 25th anniversary of the Brownwood revival of 1995 and now revival had come to East Rogersville Baptist Church that Sunday morning February 2, 2020 in Rogersville, TN," he says.
Butler reports that every meeting at the conference was touched by a move of God.
"Every service for the planned conference was filled with God's presence. People were getting serious about dealing with personal sin and people were coming to Christ for salvation. Thirty-year feuds were made right, relationships have been restored, and many masks had been removed. People made public confessions of sin, bitterness, and laziness about their involvement in God's kingdom activity," the pastor said.
A Move of the Spirit in Multiple Churches
Butler also said the revival didn't just happen in his church.
"As many as six other churches has been faithful in participating in these services. There are Baptists, Methodists, non-denominational churches as well as Pentecostal and Charismatic churches involved. Several pastors have been faithfully supporting these services and we are seeing God begin to move in those churches as well," he noted.
"To date, we have seen around 20 people saved and many of them baptized in one of our services. God is doing a special work among the students of our community," he continued.
Then people told Butler they wanted the meetings to continue, and so they did.
"The conference was supposed to be over Wednesday, February 5, however, the people on that night said 'we need to keep meeting'. So we have kept meeting. We have now entered into our third week of services and based upon last night we are expecting to run at the very least through the end of this week," the pastor said.
"Know that God seems to move in waves. This has proven to be ever so helpful as we progress through these days of revival. We have witnessed these waves. All of the services have been Spirit-filled yet some are just overpowering and that is what we are seeing," Butler told CBN News.
"It's all God! As was stated in the beginning, we are most blessed to be experiencing revival. We pray that revival begins to spread rapidly across our state and nation," he said.
Livesay noted it seems all East Tennessee is seeing unusual moves of God in their services.
"There has been a 50-year history of intense prayer across our region and the last two years we've seen God lead cities of churches together to do prayer walks, crusades, and tent revivals," he told CBN News. "Awaken Tennessee seems it has brought that extra Holy Spirit presence through prayer and fasting that we see exploding in church after church."
Carol Swain Commentary: A Dangerous Revisionist History of America’s Founding Pushes a False and Destructive Narrative
By Carol Swain
Under the guise of a venture called the “1619 Project,” revisionist history about race in America is being introduced into classrooms across America without undergoing the normal peer review expected of educational materials. August 2019 marked the birth of the project, a publication of The New York Times Magazine and the Pulitzer organization, containing a collection of essays and artistic works to commemorate the 400-year anniversary of slavery in America. The project has mushroomed into a movement to re-educate Americans via newfangled claims about how deeply racism is embedded in America’s core.
As of February 2020, five public school systems had adopted the 1619 Project’s curriculum district-wide, and its free teaching materials had reached 3,500 classrooms. This rapid progression for distribution of teaching materials created by journalists and scholars has been done without proper vetting. There has been no standard review process or serious effort made to address the many concerns raised by distinguished subject-matter critics from elite universities. The rush to get these materials into America’s classrooms proceeded recklessly.
What has ensued is a new racial narrative that places black America’s struggles at the feet of the nation’s white Founding Fathers. This requires a new birthdate for the nation. Instead of July 4, 1776, when the Founders signed the Declaration of Independence pledging to risk their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to found a new nation, the 1619 Project scholars place the inception of the nation more than 150 years earlier — at 1619. That’s when the first Africans came to Virginia as indentured servants before becoming free blacks.
Curiously, and inexplicably, the revisionist narrative skips over the 42 years of indentured servitude that enabled the former slaves to gain the freedom and resources to become the foundation of the free black population in America.
Jake Silverstein of the Times has written that the arrival of enslaved Africans “inaugurated a barbaric system of chattel slavery that would last for the next 250 years.” Conspicuously absent from the dominant historical narrative is the fact that free blacks and Indian tribes were right there alongside whites, buying and selling slaves after slavery became legal in 1661.
Historian Philip Foner, in his book “History of Black Americans,” provides critical details that American students should know about the origins of slavery in America:
“The fact that the early Negroes imported into Virginia held the status of indentured servants is shown by the records of some Negroes’ receiving the customary ‘freedom dues’ in the form of land at the end of their term of service. Some obtained land after becoming free by importing servants under the ‘head-right’ system, by which they obtained 50 acres for each servant imported. A small number of Negro landowners not only held black servants, but were sufficiently prosperous to pay the transportation costs of white indentured servants, through each of whom they could obtain 50 acres of land. Anthony Johnson, who was imported into Virginia in 1622, accumulated property after he ended his indentured period, and even though he lost all his holdings in a fire, was able by 1651 to import five black servants into the colony, for which he was granted 250 acres in Northampton County. About 1650, Benjamin Dole, a Negro, was granted 300 acres of land in Surry County for having imported six servants. Another Negro was granted 550 acres after importing 11 people.”
Clearly, this account differs substantially from the narrative advanced by the 1619 Project contributors. What some of them hope to do is to build a case for monetary reparations for descendants of slaves. This is a false hope that would not address the problems many blacks have today, or the enormous progress black Americans overall have made.
Those who push white guilt and black victimhood ignore critical facts. One is that today’s white Americans are not responsible for the sins of generations ago. Second, slavery was an institution that blacks, Native Americans, and whites participated in as slaveholders. There’s plenty of guilt to go around there.
Critical Race Theory and the Diversity Inclusion Industry
Critical race theory is an analytical framework to analyze institutions and culture. Its purpose is to divide the world into white oppressors and non-white victims. Instead of traditional forms of knowledge, it uses personal narratives of marginalized minority “victim” groups (blacks, Hispanics, Asians) as irrefutable “evidence” of the dishonesty of their mostly white heterosexual oppressors. The ultimate goal of this theory’s proponents is to remake society so that the victim class eventually displaces the oppressors and becomes the new ruling class.
Within this framework, white privilege and its unearned benefits are responsible for economic, health care, and social disparities in minority communities. It advances a narrative of blame that declares white America guilty for the plight of blacks. When it comes to education, members of the victim classes do all the teaching. It is a worldview and narrative that commands white people to sit in obedience and listen quietly to the arguments about their unjust gains as well as their obligation to provide a remedy for — in this case, black Americans, whether they are descended from slaves or not.
There is no way out for whites when it comes to race. Critical race theory assumes that racism is permanent and affects every aspect of our society, including political, economic, social and religious institutions. The theory further advances the belief that being born with white skin, in itself, gives unearned privileges. Therefore, any expectation of societal attainment of colorblindness, in which race or ethnicity does not hinder opportunities, is impossible to be achieved. Neutrality in law and decision-making is a pipe dream that can never be attained. Therefore, this mistaken reasoning goes, the oppressive system must be dismantled and destroyed.
This flawed theory suggests that race and ethnicity will always taint and pollute every decision, and, as a result, racial minorities will consistently lose out to whites because of structural racism. The message is clear: If you are unfortunate enough to be born with black skin, you are forever a second-class citizen who pays a race penalty. Under this rationale, the most affluent blacks rank below the poorest whites when it comes to privilege and opportunities. We are asked to believe that more than 50 years of affirmative action programs and race consciousness have done nothing to change the trajectory or opportunities of people born without white skin. Critical race theory says every dysfunctional condition in black, urban communities can be traced to slavery and its aftermath. There is no place for individual-choice initiative.
What critical race theory actually “accomplishes” is to create anger, frustration, and despondency among persons in the victim categories who internalize the destructive message.
Universities and colleges have created a cottage industry of people who profit from indoctrinating America’s future leaders with a dangerous and destructive ideology. These future leaders then spread this diseased ideology, like a virus without an antidote, into corporate boardrooms as well as K-12 public and private schools, both Christian and non-Christian. Standards normally used to reward academic credentials are sometimes relaxed to give more authority to watered-down factors such as “personal experience” and the narrative of victim-class members and less credence to whatever facts, science, and contrary data that persons from the “oppressor” class might dare to proffer.
Education is now about white privilege indoctrination. According to the narrative, all white Americans are guilty oppressors who have benefitted from their white skin even if their parents are, say, Appalachian poor or high school dropouts working at the local big box franchise store (if employed at all). Once the oppressor label is applied, accepted, and internalized, a deadly silencing ensues. In some cases, animated videos with messages of white guilt and oppressions shown to middle and high school students create damaging images where whites are taught guilt and minorities are assigned permanent and debilitating victimhood.
One notorious example of the “teaching” materials for diversity and sensitivity training is a short YouTube video entitled, “The Unequal Opportunity Race.” It has had more than 1.3 million views as of this writing. Its crippling message is clear: White boys and girls have unfair advantages, and white-imposed roadblocks prevent black boys and girls from achieving success.
Last year, the office of instruction for Westfield (N.J.) Public Schools approved a course on “Power, Privilege, and Imbalance in American Society.” Learning objectives of the semester-long, two-credit course include how to:
Analyze and evaluate how white supremacy has been established in American society and the ways it continues to impact the African American, Native American, Hispanic, and Asian communities today; and
Identify the concept of race and differentiate between the terms “racism,” “prejudice,” “dejure” and “de facto segregation,” “institutional racism,” “personal racism,” “tolerance” and “intolerance.”
The syllabus explains that critical race theory is a theoretical concept that emerged from the civil rights movement. The goal is to “give voice to groups who have suffered from systemic oppression, and develop theoretical and practical ways for students to deconstruct the power structures.”
Messages Matter
The 1619 Project is a misguided effort to keep open historical wounds while telling only half of the story. It is flawed because it is connected to critical race theory and the diversity-inclusion grievance industry that focuses on identity politics and division. Blaming today’s families for the mistakes of our ancestors is not a prescription for unifying the country or empowering racial and ethnic minorities.
We can do better. Within Christian communities, there is a basis for countering destructive narratives that have invaded our educational institutions and corporate world. The solution for hatred, bitterness, and distrust can be found in New Testament principles. Rather than wallow in the past and revisionists’ efforts to build a case for reparations, we, as Americans, need to move forward while practicing the forgiveness and love of neighbor that Jesus espoused. We need not look any further than the “golden rule” (do unto others as you would have them do unto you) to find the tools that enable us to transcend racial and ethnic conflicts that keep us from working together and celebrating our victories. Our present approach cripples members of the designated victim groups while creating new victims among those classified as oppressors.
I speak from a personal perspective as someone who has watched the changes from many vantage points. I reached my formative years before critical race theory and cultural Marxism gained a dominant foothold. Even though I was born and grew up in rural southern poverty during the era of segregation, I was not taught to hate white people or to hate America. Instead, my black teachers stressed our need to work hard and excel. I grew up to be a proud American who never doubted she lived in the greatest country in the world. No one around me encouraged me to see myself as a victim. I never fixated on the fact that I was black, poor, and female. Had I done so; I doubt I would have achieved anything.
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Carol M. Swain is a former tenured professor at Vanderbilt and Princeton universities. Her Be The People News blog and podcast empower individuals to think independently, understand their responsibility, and make a difference in the world.
First, it attacked America. Then adoption. Now, women. Honestly, with such a busy schedule of political extremism, it’s a mystery how Nike has time to sell anything. But for all of the company’s radical campaigns, it’s Nike’s latest that’s really raising eyebrows. The retail titan is picking a side in the transgender sports debate—and it isn’t girls’.
Just how beholden is big business to LGBT activists? Well, one of the biggest manufacturers of international sports equipment just told half its market that it doesn’t care about the future of women’s sports. So much for Nike’s progressive feminist cred.
In Tennessee, one of the states that’s considering a ban on biological boys competing against girls, the company actually suggested that keeping a level playing field for girls “put[s] our collective economic success at risk.” If anything puts our economic success at risk, it’s destroying 50% of high school, collegiate, and pro sports.
And yet, Nike, like 142 other businesses, is actively working to stop Tennessee (and at least six other states) from fighting the injustice of transgender sports.
In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance.
“I fully support them for being true to themselves and having the courage to do what they believe in,” Connecticut track star Selina Soule says of her male competition.
But athletics is “an entirely different situation. It’s scientifically proven that males are built to be physically stronger than females. It’s unfair to put someone who is biologically a male, who has not undergone anything in terms of hormone therapy, against cisgender girls … It’s upsetting when we work hard all season and put in a lot of effort, only to turn up at the state meets and get beat by someone who is biologically a male and lose state championships over this.”
And these boys aren’t just stealing trophies, they’re stealing scholarships too. With the Olympics around the corner and the debate exploding across the sports world, even athletes who’ve identified as gay or lesbian are calling the trend what it is: cheating.
Tennis pro Martina Navratilova has been a great ally for the LGBT movement, but she had no problem blasting the radical ideology that’s killing sports and healthy competition. “It’s punish[ing] the innocent,” she wrote indignantly, and "it’s insane.”
If there is a silver lining to this gender lunacy, it’s that more people are starting to see the quandary that’s created by policies and decisions that aren’t based in anatomical realities but emotional whims.
Last week, Soule — along with two other cross-country runners, Chelsea Mitchell and Alanna Smith — sued to take back their sports.
“Our dream is not to come in second or third place, but to win fair and square,” Mitchell said. “All we’re asking for is a fair chance.”
For these three girls, and so many others across the country, it’s upsetting to know the outcome of the race before it starts. And just because someone believes they’re a girl doesn’t mean their bodies act like one.
“Forcing girls to be spectators in their own sports is completely at odds with Title IX,” their Alliance Defending Freedom attorney, Christiana Holcomb, pointed out. “Connecticut’s policy violates that law and reverses nearly 50 years of advances for women.”
The issue has created such an unlikely coalition of feminists, liberals, conservatives, and parents that Rep. Greg Steube, R-Fla., introduced a federal bill to make it clear that biology—not political correctness—should determine your team.
"…Even people on the far left—[including] famous players—[are] saying that it’s not fair that women are having to compete against men in women’s sports."
And while extremists may call that insensitive, the facts speak for themselves.
"Males have 30 times more testosterone than females. That obviously helps make men’s bodies bigger and stronger … It’s just crazy to me that we’re even having to file bills on something like this. But that’s the world that we live in today, unfortunately."
Our Military Should Be Cultivating Masculinity, Not Denigrating It
January 30, 2020
By Tony Perkins
A recent review of U.S. special operations forces pointed to a leadership crisis in our military, concluding that leadership, discipline and accountability must be strengthened at all levels. West Point Military Academy, which is supposed to be the Army's preeminent leader development institution, hasn't been immune to this breakdown in leadership. Earlier this month, West Point cadets attended "Honorably Living Day," a mandatory event dedicated to promoting diversity and feminist thought where facilitators discouraged what they called "toxic masculinity."
The curriculum featured the documentary Miss Representation, which was produced by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, first lady of California and wife of Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.). The documentary included commentary from left-wing commentators such as Katie Couric, Rosie O'Donnell, and Jane Fonda. What does any of this have to do with fighting and winning wars? That was the question Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. "Jerry" Boykin asked when he joined Washington Watch yesterday to discuss this new initiative. "In no way does this help enhance the readiness of our military," he told me. "It is a reflection of what was forced on our military in the Obama administration. The disappointing thing is that it's still there..."
Instead of developing leaders, West Point is taking time to attack masculinity. The program even questions the phrase "be a man." Yet, by attacking masculinity, mandatory trainings such as Honorably Living Day undermines the very characteristics our military desperately needs. General Boykin quoted George Orwell, who fought in the Spanish Civil War and observed the hardships of battle first-hand: "Orwell said, 'We rest well in our beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence against those who would threaten us.'"
General Boykin argues that the campaign against masculinity inflicts a great deal of damage on society beyond the military. "This whole idea of 'hypermasculinity,' which is one of the phrases that they've coined now... is absolute nonsense, has nothing to do with reality. It is about destroying men because they are the foundations of the family... The men are so important, and the men are walking out of their families today all over America. And this is a reflection of exactly what the crisis in masculinity is all about." Indeed, a lack of male leadership has certainly taken its toll on American families. All the more, this highlights the importance of preserving strong and moral male leadership in the military, despite the Left's effort to destroy it.
For centuries, men have largely been the ones fighting wars, protecting their countries, and defending their people. Instead of disparaging a perceived "toxic masculinity," the U.S. military should be building the character of men and fostering their natural instinct to protect and defend. The strength of our military and the security of our nation depends on it.
Think LGBT cultural changes ‘won’t affect you’? Here’s the ugly way they do
I've spoken with and received emails from heartbroken parents whose lives and families have been destroyed by the transgender phenomenon.
Tue Feb 11, 2020 - 8:06 pm EST
February 11, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — LGBT activism generally has two steps. Step one has the activists angrily asking those who oppose their agenda how the proposed policy will impact their lives, with the emphatic assertion that it will not. The second step has these same activists, once they have successfully achieved their goal and demonized their opponents, informing us all precisely how their agenda will impact our lives. They assured us that redefining marriage, for example, would have no impact on religious liberty. A few minutes later, Democratic presidential candidates on CNN were musing about removing charitable status from churches.
Even scarier is the transgender agenda. Trans activists and their allies are claiming that any girl or boy who believes herself or himself to be born in the wrong body should immediately receive “affirmative” treatment, which generally includes puberty-blockers, hormone treatments, and eventually the requisite mastectomies and castrations to complete what they are now insidiously referring to as “gender affirmation surgery.” Parents are often caught off guard by their children coming out as transgender and are so viciously attacked when they suggest that their children should wait before engaging in any regimens or surgeries with permanent results (mutilation and infertility being only two) that concerned parents frequently have to meet in secret.
In fact, some trans activists are openly claiming that any parent showing insufficient enthusiasm for “gender affirmation treatments” is guilty of negligence or even abuse, despite rising numbers of teenagers who are realizing, too late, that surgery was not the right answer for them. (One girl who went through the surgery and now regrets it stated bluntly that “those surgeons should be in prison.”) In fact, the Journal of Medical Ethicsrecently suggested that children might be taken away from their parents if the parents disallow their underage children to purse transgender surgeries.
These ideas are beginning to creep into the political sphere as well. A recent example cropped up during this month’s election in Ireland, where an “LGBTI spokesman” for the notoriously progressive Sinn Féin party stated that if his party secured enough seats to form government, children under the age of sixteen would be permitted to take their own parents to court if their parents were opposed to the children changing their legal sex. John McGuirk of Gript reported that Senator Fintan Warfield, answering a question from the Trans Equality Network Ireland (a group funded by the taxpayers), noted that:
In relation to gender recognition, we want to extend gender recognition to 16 and 17-year-olds, that would be what the Sinn Fein supports, and then, allowing gender recognition for under 16-year-olds with parental consent, and then where parental consent isn’t available, that the family court would rule in the best interest of the child, would be the Sinn Fein’s position.
In short, a major political party was suggesting that the courts could be used to usurp parental authority and permit underage children to legally change their sex on their birth certificates and other official documents. If the parents do not accept that their son has become their daughter or their daughter has become their son, Sinn Féin is happy to ensure that the government will. At the moment, parental consent is needed for a child to change how legal documents record his sex.
Just a few years ago, the LGBT lobby was condemning those who resisted the transgender agenda, angrily demanding to know why anyone would oppose something that would allegedly have no impact on their lives. This was a lie. I’ve spoken with and received emails from heartbroken parents (one of whom had two children identifying as transgender), and in some cases, their lives and their families have been destroyed by the transgender phenomenon. One mother mourned that her “once-beautiful daughter is now bearded, homeless, and sterilized.” Nobody told her, and thousands of others, that their children would be swept up in this phenomenon — and that many of their sons and daughters would make irrevocable choices as a result.
Jonathon’s new podcast, The Van Maren Show, is dedicated to telling the stories of the pro-life and pro-family movement. In his latest episode, he interviews Dr. Christopher Yuan, a former drug addict who lived a promiscuous gay lifestyle. Dr. Yuan is now a professor at Moody Bible Institute and today, he discusses his powerful journey and conversion and what the LGBT agenda is to the U.S. You can subscribe here and listen to the episode below:
Haley was our intern in 2019 where she there a day-a-week for the entire Legislative Session.
Submitted by Haley Collins, a Tennessee Student Eagle who had attended Eagle Council 49 in St. Louis recently:
As a Student Eagle, I am very grateful and honored for the opportunity to have attended Eagle Forum's 49th annual leadership and training conference. My time there was very informative, and I was reminded of the significance and depth of the problems our nation is facing. Although all of the speakers were enlightening, there were definitely a few that impacted me more than others. Those speakers include but are not limited to, Lily Tang Williams and Morgan Zegers.
First and foremost, Lily Tang William's speech was very compelling. She was born right before the start of China's Cultural Revolution and grew up in Chengdu, capital of the Sichuan province, in western China. She spoke of the horrors and hardships of living in Communist China. She was brainwashed in public school every day and was required to conform and not stand out as an individual. In 1995, she became a U.S. citizen and could finally speak freely and have her rights protected, which is something we often take for granted. By telling her story, she shared the message that big governments do not work; big governments are very dangerous because they always use force. Our country is going down the wrong path, and Mrs. Williams left me feeling very motivated to do something about it.
Furthermore, I enjoyed "Upstate New York's Phyllis Schlafly" and founder of Young Americans Against Socialism, Morgan Zegers', speech. She explained that our generation has good intentions, but they are being manipulated by the real enemies in this fight, far-Left leaders like Bernie Sanders. To fight back, Miss Zegers said, "We need to add emotion to the playbook using first-hand stories of survivors of socialism. Provide realistic solutions to our generation's top issues: environment, healthcare, student loans." After her speech, she gave the Student Eagles a really, good piece of advice: Never be silent. Always take a stand.
In conclusion, Eagle Council XLIX was an unparalleled learning experience. As Sarah Huckabee Sanders, one of the Eagle Council XLIX keynote speakers wrote in the Yad V'shem guestbook when she was 11-years-old, "Why didn't somebody do something?" Today, there are several, significant issues that our nation faces. With all that I have learned about these problems at Eagle Council, I plan on educating other people and taking action. I will be a person who does something!
Lawmakers who oversee the spending of Tennessee taxpayer money blasted the Department of Education Wednesday for its handling of a no-bid contract with ClassWallet, hired for $1.25 million a year to manage the state’s upcoming voucher program.
Commissioner Penny Schwinn and members of her team were grilled for almost two hours over the decision to bypass a competitive bid process to hire the Florida-based company — and for twice the amount budgeted for work this year on Gov. Bill Lee’s education savings account program.
It was the first time that multiple Republican lawmakers aired their frustrations over the GOP-backed voucher program, with one representative expressing regrets for voting for it.
Members of the House appropriations subcommittee also scolded the department for not bringing the contract before the legislature’s Fiscal Review Committee, or even answering that body’s multiple questions and emails before signing the agreement.
“Fiscal Review didn’t find out about this contract grant until Nov. 13 when it was published in Chalkbeat. Do you think that that’s acceptable?” asked Rep. Matthew Hill, the Jonesborough Republican who chairs the panel.
Apologizing for the poor communication, Schwinn referenced the department’s need to move quickly to roll out the program by the 2020-21 school year. The deadline is a year earlier than required by the 2019 law but was ordered last summer by the governor, who said he wanted to provide education choices for families as soon as possible.
“Certainly what we were looking at is when does this grant contract need to be executed so that children can be in seats in August,” the commissioner said.
Other lawmakers were still irked by the decision to speed up the launch.
“When we passed the ESA/voucher bill with many modifications and amendments, it was my understanding that that plan would not go into effect until August of ’21,” said Rep. Patsy Hazlewood, a Republican from Signal Mountain who voted for the legislation. “Who decided and what legislative authority moved the start date back on the legislation that we passed?”
“As commissioner, I am certainly responsible for the decision,” Schwinn answered.
The hearing was often tense as Hill — a vocal voucher supporter during fierce debates last spring — called up officials from the state’s procurement office, the comptroller’s office, and the finance department to address statements by staff for the education department.
Missing from the conversation were representatives for the governor. When pressed last month about ClassWallet’s selection, Lee told reporters that he was “comfortable” with the contract and that his office had consulted with the state attorney general’s office on the process.
“My direction to our department is that we get the right vendor. And if we have to make adjustments, we will, but that we get the right vendor,” Lee said.
Joanna Collins, an attorney for the education department, recounted the steps for selecting a vendor, including market research, before leaders concluded that only one company, ClassWallet, would be able to meet all of the state’s criteria.
“The state of Tennessee needed one comprehensive secure platform for families and schools that would be participating in the ESA program,” Collins said. “A critical component of this was that the system needed to meet the state’s technical and security requirements because families would be entering sensitive information (such as finances and disability status) about their child into the system.”
A frustrated Rep. Jeremy Faison said that’s not the way that government procurements are handled. At one point, he declared that he wished he had not voted for the controversial voucher bill. Not only did parliamentary maneuvering and arm-twisting used to pass the bill in the House look “sketchy,” he said, but the department’s process for hiring ClassWallet appeared suspicious.
“To the general public, it looks like you found a vendor, and then created a contract,” said Faison, a Republican from Cosby.
The cost was concerning, as well, since the legislature set aside only $771,300 in this year’s budget for voucher work. The ClassWallet contract is for $2.5 million for two years to manage online accounts and applications, with an option to extend the contract for three more years for up to $6.3 million.
“How does $750,000 which was approved by the legislature turn into $6,328,750, and where in the world did you get this money?” Hill asked Schwinn and her team.
Chief Financial Officer Drew Harpool said the department tapped into $1.5 million from Tennessee’s Career Ladder teacher pay program that began in the 1980s and has since expired. “These were unused funds,” he said.
“What legislative authority did you have to do that?” Hill asked.
Harpool deferred to the state’s finance department, with whom he worked to move the funds.
That response steamed Faison.
“That Career Ladder is for teacher pay and we robbed teacher pay,” he said. “We just decided to rob a pot of money that had nothing to do with the legislation that we passed.”
Faison went on: “You can’t do stuff like this and think there’s not consequences in the general public. I can’t stress how bad this looks for us.”
Coming to the department’s defense, Rep. Andy Holt suggested that criticism of the ClassWallet contract is an effort to undermine the governor’s education savings account program.
“I voted for ESA legislation and I don’t regret it one bit,” said the Dresden Republican. “I think we should all recognize that there is, there was, and there will continue to be opposition to the idea of supplying educational choice.”
Hill responded that the purpose of the hearing was “not to debate the validity” of vouchers or programs designed to give parents more education choices for their children.
“What we’re talking about are the finances, and we have a constitutional obligation of oversight to make sure that the monies are being spent properly,” Hill said.
He added: “When they ask for $750,000 and then spend $2.5 million without telling us — and when fiscal review asks for months for details on the financials of this grant/contract/whatever and gets the cold shoulder and gets no response whatsoever until after it’s already issued — those are real problems.”
Hill ordered the department to return before his panel on Feb. 19 and to provide members with advance documentation to show its “due diligence” for pursuing a contract with ClassWallet.
“We look forward to reading that next week,” he said.