Friday, 30 October 2020

NOTE: When Phyllis Schlafly founded Eagle Forum, the name of the organization was taken from the Scripture used in this article. It is an inspiring place to focus as we go through these last days prior to Election Day.
You can find some of the remarkable and unique characteristics HERE.
Father, I am weary. Help me trust in You as You tell me I am like the eagle and You sustain me for the battle. Help me to stand on Romans 8:37!
God interrupted my sleep, speaking four words to my heart, “My people are weary.”
A couple hours later I received confirmation of that word in an email from a friend. It said, “People are weary, we have to help them.”
It’s true. You can almost feel the weariness across our nation. We have been in a spiritual battle and it has been a heavy one. The issues in our nation we have passionately opposed in both prayer and action have not been easy. This has gone on for many months. No wonder we feel weary.
Intercessors across the nations have fought a battle this year, unlike anything we could have ever imagined. We all recognize the stakes are high. But although we are weary, we simply can’t quit now.
He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall, but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:29-31).
The Passion Translation says it like this; He empowers the feeble and infuses the powerless with increasing strength. Even young people faint and get exhausted; athletic ones may stumble and fall. But those who wait for Yahweh’s grace will experience divine strength. They will rise up on soaring wings and fly like eagles, run their race without growing weary, and walk through life without giving up.
I meditated on those Scriptures as I went to bed Friday night. Hours later, I woke myself up chanting a cheer from my high-school years. It was something I had not thought about for decades.
“We are the eagles, the mighty mighty eagles, everywhere we go, people wanna know, who we are, so we tell them, we are the eagles the mighty mighty eagles.”
As I thought about the significance of the words, I remembered when we used that particular cheer.
It was the one we pulled out toward the end of the football game, when all the players were beyond weary. It was when we were close to victory, yet we needed one more score to win the game. It came at the moment our players felt they had nothing left.
I knew when I awoke, loudly declaring this cheer, it was God providing a strategy to overcome the weariness we all feel—when it seems there is nothing left.
“We are the eagles, the mighty mighty eagles, everywhere we go, people wanna know, who we are, so we tell them, we are the eagles the mighty mighty eagles.”
First, we must remember who we are in Christ!
Here are a few Scriptures to remind us:
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Phil 4:13).
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. (1 Pet 2:9).
Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. (Rom 8:37)
We are more than conquerors in Christ, we are partakers with Him.
The Bible says in Hebrews 3:14, “For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end.”
It is vital, especially now, in this late hour, that we hold the beginning of our confidence, steadfast to the very end.
Second, we must declare it and remind the enemy of who we are.
Declare is defined as “to make known formally or officially; To reveal or make manifest.”
I believe Romans 8:18-21 in the Passion Translation describes where we are in this hour:
I am convinced that any suffering we endure is less than nothing compared to the magnitude of glory that is about to be unveiled within us. The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters! For against its will the universe itself has had to endure the empty futility resulting from the consequences of human sin. But now, with eager expectation, all creation longs for freedom from its slavery to decay and to experience with us the wonderful freedom coming to God’s children.
This is the freedom for which we fight.
I know we are weary and the battle seems to be growing more fierce. However, it is the end of the game and the reward is in site. We cannot quit now.
I compare this to a woman in labor. She has carried her baby for nine months, and now it’s time for delivery. Perhaps delivery has been difficult, yet she must continue to push. At one point the doctor says, “I see the head, one more big push and we are there.” That is where I feel we are. One more big push and we are there.
Like Peter, we have toiled through the darkness of night, yet God is telling us, “Launch out into the deep one more time and bring in the haul.”
Take a deep breath intercessors, you have it in you for one more big push. It is within you to bring in the haul. YOU are an eagle, a mighty mighty eagle. Let us not forget who we are.
Kim Potter is a writer and the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, Charisma, Spirit Fuel and Kim’s message is one of hope. She speaks to the heart of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, imparting hope. For additional information, or to receive her daily writings, go to

Posted on 10/30/2020 5:11 AM by Bobbie Patray

Thursday, 29 October 2020
Commentary: New Revelations on the Biden Family Scandal; October’s Surprise Part Two and Counting

by Julie Strauss Levin
It is hard to keep up with the Biden Family Scandal (yes, it’s worthy of a title) because more information unfolds daily. Joe Biden is counting the hours, no minutes, until this election is over. For every moment that passes and the Democrat media, in lock step with Democrat Big Tech, censors, Joe is hoping few will learn that the Biden family got millions of dollars from foreign entities and even foreign governments by using Joe’s position as Vice President of the United States.
Put another way: The Biden family used, exploited and abused the Office of the Vice Presidency to enrich the Biden family by millions and millions of dollars. Biden ducks and denies, but all the hair-splitting in the world and all of the carefully crafted wording by his campaign spinners and surrogates doesn’t negate that.
Here is a brief synopsis. Hunter Biden, Joe’s son, reportedly abandoned his laptop with about 40,000 emails on it. These emails show that the Biden family made millions of dollars from deals with foreign entities (think China, Russia and the Ukraine for starters), beginning when Joe was Vice President. (We won’t get into potential activity during his 35 plus Senate years). The FBI has verified that these are Hunter’s emails, as has Congressman Jim Jordan.
Add to that, separate and corroborating emails and texts provided by Tony Bobulinski, ex-CEO of SinoHawk Holdings, an entity run by Biden family members in partnership with a now defunct, bankrupt Chinese energy company. Mr. Bobulinski has come forward to turn over to the FBI and the Senate three cell phones bursting with information concerning the Biden Family business deals, including involvement by Joe Biden himself.
The Senate Homeland Security Committee already issued an 87-page interim report last month, revealing details about the web of business deals and the millions of dollars flowing from foreign countries to Biden coffers. Committee chairman Senator Johnson put it succinctly when he recently said:
When [Joe Biden] said in the tail end of 2019 that he never spoke to his son about his overseas business dealings, that was a lie. We know in testimony now from Amos Hochstein [top adviser to then-VP Biden on international energy affairs], who is the only people of [sic] we know of that actually spoke directly to the vice president about this glaring conflict of interests, the vice president then talked to Hunter, who then set up a meeting with Amos Hochstein to talk about this very subject.
We know that Hunter took a multi-hour plane trip over to China with his father, had a separate agenda, but, during that trip, then arranged for a handshake between one of his business partners, Jonathan Li, and the vice president. What was all that about?
So I have never believed that the vice president never talked to his son Hunter. He’s still lying to the American public. And the mainstream media has to ask far tougher questions.
Recall that son Hunter was awarded a paid position to sit on the board of Ukraine energy company Burisma at a tune of $83,000 a month, despite having zero experience in or knowledge about the energy world. A coincidence that his VP father Joe had been placed in charge of America’s foreign policy decisions in the Ukraine during the Obama-Biden years? We think not. Suspicious that Burisma’s 2014 website featured a photo of VP Biden and Hunter’s business associate Devon Archer (now awaiting sentencing for unrelated securities fraud and conspiracy convictions), yet Biden has unequivocally denied knowing about his son’s business deals? Highly suspicious.
It is also not only a coincidence but also suspicious that in late 2015 Burisma executive Pozharskyi sent an email to Hunter and Devon asking for the assistance of U.S. officials to provide positive PR about Burisma. “The scope of work should also include organization of a visit of a number of widely recognized and influential current and/or former US [sic] policy-makers to Ukraine in November, aiming to conduct meetings with and bring positive signal/message and support.” The purpose of that visit, according to the email, was to “close down for [sic] any cases/pursuits” against the head of Burisma in Ukraine.
It was certainly no coincidence that one month later, Blue Star Strategies, a Washington, DC public relations firm hired by Burisma, participated in a conference call with the White House regarding Joe Biden’s upcoming trip to the Ukraine and later provided notes of that conference call to Hunter. Thereafter, Joe went to the Ukraine and called upon the country’s prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Burisma, to be fired. Voila, Shokin was fired.
Joe Biden later assumed his tough guy stance when he recounted how Shokin came to be fired. Biden explained that he told the Ukraine president that the U.S. would withhold $1 billion in aid to the Ukraine if Shokin wasn’t fired. We know this is true because Joe said it on video and has yet to disavow his own statement. (Yes, we know Joe’s propensity to lie even when caught on videotape; think fracking, but I digress.)
Indeed, Biden bragged, “I’m leaving in six hours. If he’s [Shokin]not fired in six hours, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch, they fired him.” Biden also boasted that if the Ukraine president didn’t believe him, the president could go ahead and call Obama. There’s more about the Ukraine and the Biden family, but you get the drift.
And then there’s Joe’s strong kinship with China that has been present for many years. His 2011 speech in China at Sichuan University provides a glimpse into the Biden China mindset: “In order to cement this[U.S. and China] robust partnership, we have to go beyond close ties between Washington and Beijing, which we’re working on every day, go beyond it to include all levels of government, go beyond it to include classrooms and laboratories, athletic fields and boardrooms.”
In 2017, Biden proclaimed, “I want China to succeed. The idea that they’re going to eat our lunch? They don’t have enough energy. They don’t have enough water.” And then there’s Biden’s 2019 declaration in Iowa. Yes, he actually pulled a classic Joe with his rhetorical, “China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man. I mean, you know they’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what? They’re not competition for us.”
Biden’s statements defy all credulity. A basic understanding of geopolitics warrants the conclusion that China poses perhaps the single greatest threat to U.S. security in the world. And yet, Joe has said a “rising China is a positive, positive.” This from the man who seeks to be the President of the United States and the leader of the free world.
Son Hunter clearly shares Joe’s affinity for China. Like father, like son. Recall that Hunter travelled to China with Joe on Air Force Two in 2013. Joe met with Hunter’s Chinese partners while they were in Beijing, and, ten days later, Hunter’s company signed a multi-billion dollar deal with a subsidiary of the Communist-owned Bank of China, creating a private billion dollar equity fund known as Boahi Harvest RST. As a gentle reminder, at the time the Bidens flew to China, it had just extended its sovereignty, air rights, over the South Pacific, namely the South China Sea. Instead of confronting China over its belligerent and aggressive actions in the region, Joe met with Hunter’s partner Jonathan Li, and Hunter ended up with a lucrative business deal. Hmmm.
And then there was the sale of a Michigan-based automobile company, Henniges, in 2015 to the same Boahi Harvest RST and the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC). That sale required the approval of the Obama-Biden administration’s Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) since AVIC was a Chinese government subsidiary and Henniges produced certain technology with U.S. “military applications.” Surprise (or maybe not at this point), CFIUS approved the sale. Yes, CFIUS approval was Obama-Biden approval. As an industry newsletter noted, the sale was the “biggest Chinese investment into U.S. automotive manufacturing assets to date.” And this passes the national security smell test?
And let’s recall Mr. Bobulinski, mentioned earlier, as the prior CEO of SinoHawk Holdings, the entity run by Biden family members in partnership with Chinese energy company CEFC Energy. Mr. Bobulinski recently spoke about a 2017 email that reveals the offer by the Chinese company to wire $10 million into an account, $5 million of which was a loan to “BD family … interest-free.” The “BD family” refers to the Biden family. Less than two weeks later, $5 million was wired from China to a Delaware LLC. As an aside, Mr. Bobulinski only learned about that wiring after Senator Johnson reported on the same.
Mr. Bobulinski said he has come forward now because he had heard Joe say he had never spoken to Hunter about his business dealings. Mr. Bobulinski is now correcting the record and Biden’s false statements. “I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business. They said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line.”
Mr. Bobulinski also revealed that Biden was referred to as the “Chairman” or the “Big Guy,” and that it was understood that Joe Biden was not to be mentioned in writing. The Bidens, Mr. Bobulinski said, were “paranoid” about keeping Joe’s name secret.
There’s so much more to the Biden Family Scandal and yet Joe emphatically, indignantly and angrily has said, “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.” He refers to any mention of the Scandal as a “smear,” and he and his surrogates (including the Adam Schiff, John Brennan crowd) shrug off the Biden Family Scandal as Russian disinformation. Mr. Bobulinski has confirmed that he personally met with Joe Biden. Director of National Intelligence John Radcliffe has unequivocally rejected the “blame it on Russia” election interference mantra.
And consider last Thursday night’s debate. The Democrat-supporting moderator reluctantly asked of Biden whether “in retrospect,” any of son Hunter’s business relationships were “inappropriate” or “unethical” (milquetoast to say the least). Biden was vexed with her question. He looked into the camera and proclaimed, “I have not taken a penny from a foreign source in my life.” You “doth protest too much, methinks,” Joe.
If Joe has got nothing to hide and is truly indignant about a smear on the Biden family name, then pull Hunter out of the proverbial witness protection program and let’s have the entire Biden clan come clean. Call for a special counsel to investigate, go before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security, knock on the door of the FBI and DOJ and answer questions, make a lengthy public statement and walk the American people through the Biden Family Scandal. Just level with the American people.
They say oftentimes the cover up is worse than the crime. Not sure here though. The American people are smart. This mere sampling of the depths of the Biden Family Scandal is instructive. Imagine if the media did its job. Marvel how much the American people would learn if Big Tech didn’t behave like a fascist regime. Indeed, the American people are well-poised to understand all of this.
Let’s be clear. The Biden Family Scandal isn’t election season rhetoric. This is an extremely serious matter involving potential violations of multiple laws (SEC, IRS, FCPA, FARA to name a few) and abuse of power that reach the highest levels of public office straight into the people’s house, the White House.
There is no way Joe Biden should be anywhere near the Oval Office, ever. Voting for this man is a vote for Kamala Harris because she will be the first to boot him out, ironically using the Biden Family Scandal as the pretext. That she is the most radical member of the U.S. Senate according to the nonpartisan GovTrack (yes, she surpasses Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren) says it all.
Biden-Harris, Harris-Biden, whichever way you look at the ticket, both must be rejected. Joe Biden must, in any case, come clean with the American people about his Biden Family Scandal once and for all. If only a fraction of the information to date is accurate, the security of the United States of America has already been threatened, and numerous laws and regulations have been compromised. Yes, the American people are long overdue a complete explanation about all of the sordid details surrounding the Biden Family Scandal. They deserve it immediately if not sooner.
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Julie Strauss Levin is an attorney and concerned American.
Photo “Julie Strauss Levin” by Gage Skidmore CC2.0.

Posted on 10/29/2020 6:32 AM by Bobbie Patray

Wednesday, 28 October 2020
Amy Reigns Supreme

October 27, 2020

By Tony Perkins
Americans have learned a lot about Amy Coney Barrett in four weeks. They know about the family's chinchilla, which parent does the laundry, and whether the Notre Dame alum hates warm puppies (she doesn't). But they've also come to know more important things: she loves her country, its Constitution, and she'll stand on her faith no matter how many Democrats try to shame her for it. In the end, that's what Americans will remember. And in this next chapter of the Supreme Court, that's what they'll respect.
Today with Chief Justice Roberts, the mother of seven raised her hand, with another on the Bible, and took the judicial oath of office. After years of dreaming about this moment, she couldn't have known that her time would come at such a pivotal moment: her country in one of its darkest years, a hurting people on the verge of a bitter election. But maybe Barrett's confirmation -- a symbol of young, honest, humble hope -- is what our nation needs: a woman at one of the highest pinnacles of government who's still inspired by the good of America.
"I love the Constitution," Barrett said again, at her White House swearing in, "and the democratic republic it establishes. And I will devote myself to preserving it." Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), like a lot of conservatives, watched the president's nominee hold her own through the process with pride. "Marsha Blackburn and I have had the most wonderful conversations about how great it is that President Trump made this nomination -- a strong woman of faith, a mom, [who is] obviously extremely successful and bright in her career. It really does give women something to aspire to." Maybe now, she said, conservative women will start to realize that they "don't have to march in lockstep with what the liberals believe in idea of a woman should be. And I think it's important for us to recognize that we can be conservative, and we can be strong, and we can set that example for others."
But unfortunately, while the American people have warmed up to the newest justice, the same can't be said of Senate Democrats. In a pathetic display, they marched, one by one, to podiums or Twitter accounts and bashed the confirmation. On the floor of the Senate, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) even dared to call it "one of the darkest days in the 231-year history of the United States Senate." Why? Because his chamber confirmed an accomplished woman who wants to uphold the law? What a sad commentary on the state of the Democratic Party.
This is a justice whose first speech after her swearing in was to say that she understood her place. "The confirmation process has made ever clear to me one of the fundamental differences between the federal judiciary and the United States Senate," Barrett insisted. "It is the job of a senator to pursue her policy preferences... It is the job of a judge to resist her policy preferences. Federal judges don't face election. Thus, they have no basis for claiming that their preferences reflect those of the people." Those sentiments aren't just a win for Republicans -- they're a win for every American who cares about the Constitution. But then, maybe that's the problem. Democrats don't. They're terrified of the rule of law because it stands in the way of every radical thing they want to accomplish.
So instead of celebrating the confirmation, they warned of "consequences," like Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), or uttered profanity like Senator Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii). Or you say outrageous things, like Senator Schumer, who apparently didn't sense the irony when he thundered that "generations yet unborn will suffer the consequences of this nomination." He's right about one thing. Generations will be affected, to be sure -- but under a justice who reads no right to abortion in the shadows of the Constitution, they will not suffer.
Piling on the Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) even threatened to upend the lower courts. "Hundreds" of judges, he warned, shouldn't "be allowed to sit peaceably without our re-examining the process, the results, and the consequences." The bottom line, Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) fired back, is "they want to rig American democracy. Overturn the results of the last two elections. That's their agenda. [Joe Biden], of course, [is] going to give into it. He doesn't have the guts to say it." Of course, David Harsanyi points out:
"When you're under the impression that the system exists solely to facilitate your partisan agenda, something will seem 'broken' every time you lose. When Barack Obama was unable to pass his agenda after 2010, the system suffered from 'dysfunction.' ... But now that Democrats are in the Senate minority, employing the very same tools to slow the president, we must 'fix' the Electoral College, the Senate, and, most recently, the Supreme Court.'"
As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said, regardless of what the Left does or says, Barrett's confirmation should have been a happy night for our country. But it's also a clear reminder of what's at stake in seven days: a republic and a Constitution, if we can keep them.
Tony Perkins's Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC Action senior writers.

Posted on 10/28/2020 5:39 AM by Bobbie Patray

Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Joe Biden Cannot Claim To Fight For Our Nation’s Soul While Supporting Unborn Genocide

OCTOBER 27, 2020 By Theresa Bonopartis
This article contains graphic content about abortion that might be distressing for some readers.
I have had an abortion — a horrific saline abortion in which I gave birth to a dead baby boy after hours of labor. It was over 45 years ago, yet it’s an image that will stay with me forever.
Believe it or not, I am grateful I saw that stark truth, exposing abortion for what it really is, instead of living in the darkness and lies. Like those of countless other women, my abortion was coerced, another truth so often denied or ignored by those claiming abortion is a good. The fallacy of “free choice” is easier to sell than the reality of the betrayal of boyfriends, parents, spouses, or other outside pressures.
As I listened to Sen. Dianne Feinstein during Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings speak of women she knew in the 1950s who suffered and even died from illegal abortion, I could not help but wonder whether Feinstein has ever spoken to the countless women who suffer now, or the families of those who have died from the “safe, legal abortion” she has worked so hard to ensure. Probably not. She can speak about how “distressing” it was for her not to get a straight answer from Barrett regarding whether the judge would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, but it appears Feinstein has no idea of the real distress millions of women experience every day due to a past abortion.
As we digress down this slippery slope we were warned about decades ago, “safe, legal, and rare” has become “safe, legal, and free,” as portrayed in the “Thank God for Abortion Anthem” video making its rounds on the internet. At least those proponents are honest. With more than 60 million abortions since Roe, rare it is not.
Joe Biden speaks of this election as a fight for the “soul of our nation,” and so it is. It is difficult, however, to listen to Biden speak as if he is on some high moral ground when, in fact, he advocates for abortion throughout the entirety of a pregnancy. This disregard for innocent human life goes beyond the soul of our nation. It is a fight for personal souls.
This self-proclaimed “devout” Catholic sadly has the support of some bishops, who tell their flocks they can vote for him “in good conscience.” Anyone who takes the time to contemplate the more than 60 million deaths of innocent babies, however, knows this cannot come from a good conscience, but from an absence of one.
I know about the fight for souls. I have faced it in my own life since that abortion all those years ago, when I was tortured with guilt and shame. Those who support abortion blame my Catholic faith for instilling guilt and shame, but I know that’s not it. That agony comes from having seen my son lying on the bed next to me, killed from a saline abortion.
I also know about the fight for souls from the more than 200 new people I hear from each year who are seeking healing from abortion. These women live in pain and regret, often alone in silent suffering in a society that refuses to acknowledge their grief.
I know about it from the men who can’t let go of having coerced a girlfriend into aborting while they were in college, or the ones who had no say as their child was killed. I know about it from the siblings of aborted children who feel guilty for even being alive, or who wonder if their names would have been different if their brother or sister had been permitted to live.
Yes, we are in a fight for the soul of our nation, and for each soul within it, as our country chooses not to see what is going on, turning a blind eye to the horror of what we have done. These are decisive times. As we slip deeper and deeper into the depravity of the killing of innocent human life, with elected officials even entertaining infanticide, we lose a little more of our soul every day and will live with the consequences. We already are.
As Biden proclaims, “We are fighting for the soul of our nation,” I can only hope the scales that blind him will someday fall and he will come to realize his significant role in the loss of which he speaks. I pray we will be able to say, “I once was lost but now I’m found, was blind but now I see” before it is too late and we slip into the abyss with no way back.
Theresa Bonopartis is the director of Lumina, which offers hope and healing to those suffering after abortions, and the co-developer of Entering Canaan, a post-abortion ministry.

Posted on 10/27/2020 6:58 AM by Bobbie Patray

Thursday, 22 October 2020
Lord, we pray that Your presence would be all over this next debate and that You would cover the candidates against any spiritual attacks. May the truth win out.
After the Commission on Presidential Debates decided to change the already agreed upon rules and turn debate #2 into a virtual debate, not surprisingly, President Trump refused the changed format. While the Commission claimed it was due to President Trump’s recent bout with COVID, the president would have been quarantined the required ten days from testing by the time the debate was scheduled on October 15. My question is, if the masks work as they claim, and if social distancing works, as they claim, what was the issue with an in-person debate? Or perhaps, if we are honest, was it actually the bigger issue of a need to protect the opposing candidate who struggles in such a setting?
