Tuesday, 13 February 2018
Yes on 1

It took 15 years of work to get it to the people, but after the people of Tennessee voted in November to amend the TN Constitution to overturn the 2000 State Supreme Court decision, the members of the the 2015 Legislative Session did their part in passing legislation that put into laws that will assure a thoughtful decision and a licensed  environment.  Tennessee is truly a pro-life state and will not longer be an 'abortion destination'  place for out of state people.

SB 1222 by *Beavers (HB 0977) by *Hill M
Abortion - As introduced, revises provisions governing reports a physician who performs an abortion is required to keep to specify that such records must be maintained for five years; clarifies that the requirement applies to any abortion procedure instead of just "operations." The bill is now made up of this language: Amendment 1 andAmendment 2.

On April 15, SB 1222 passed the Senate floor 27-5:
Senators voting aye were: Bailey, Beavers, Bell, Bowling, Crowe, Dickerson, Gardenhire, Green, Gresham, Haile, Hensley, Jackson, Johnson, Kelsey, Ketron, Massey, McNally, Mr. Speaker Ramsey, Niceley, Norris, Overbey, Roberts, Southerland, Stevens, Tracy, Watson, Yager -- 27.
Senators voting no were: Harper, Harris, Kyle, Tate, Yarbro -- 5.
On April 22, after a horrendous and mind numbing, nearly an hour's debate, HB977 passed the House floor 79-18:
Representatives voting aye were: Alexander, Brooks H., Brooks K., Butt, Byrd, Calfee, Carr, Carter, Casada, Coley, Daniel, DeBerry, Doss, Dunlap, Dunn, Durham, Eldridge, Faison, Farmer, Forgety, Goins, Gravitt, Halford, Harrison, Hawk, Haynes, Hazlewood, Hill M., Hill T., Holsclaw, Holt, Howell, Hulsey, Johnson, Kane, Keisling, Kumar, Lamberth, Littleton, Lollar, Lundberg, Lynn, Madam Speaker Harwell, Marsh, Matheny, Matlock, McCormick, McDaniel, McManus, Moody, Pitts, Pody, Powers, Ragan, Ramsey, Reedy, Rogers, Sanderson, Sargent, Sexton C., Sexton J., Shaw, Shepard, Smith, Sparks, Spivey, Swann, Terry, Todd, Travis, Van Huss, Weaver, White D., White M., Wilburn, Williams, Windle, Wirgau, Womick -- 79.
Representatives voting no were: Akbari, Armstrong, Beck, Camper, Clemmons, Cooper, Favors, Fitzhugh, Gilmore, Hardaway, Jones, Miller, Mitchell, Parkinson, Powell, Stewart, Towns, Turner -- 18.

SB 1280 by *Hensley,(HB 1368by *Lynn
Abortion - As introduced, requires facilities or physician offices where more than 50 abortions are performed in a calendar year to be licensed as ambulatory surgical treatment centers. As amended, this bill requires that abortion clinics be licensed and inspected.
On April 15th, SB1280 passed the Senate floor 28-4:
Senators voting aye were: Bailey, Beavers, Bell, Bowling, Briggs, Crowe, Dickerson, Gardenhire, Green, Gresham, Haile, Hensley, Jackson, Johnson, Kelsey, Ketron, Massey, McNally, Mr. Speaker Ramsey, Niceley, Norris, Overbey, Roberts, Southerland, Stevens, Tracy, Watson, Yager
-- 28. Senators voting no were: Harper, Harris, Kyle, Yarbro -- 4.
On April 21st,  HB1368 passed the House floor 80-17:
 Representatives voting aye were: Alexander, Brooks H., Brooks K., Butt, Byrd, Calfee, Carr, Carter, Casada, Coley, Daniel, DeBerry, Doss, Dunlap, Dunn, Durham, Eldridge, Faison, Farmer, Fitzhugh, Forgety, Goins, Gravitt, Halford, Harrison, Hawk, Haynes, Hazlewood, Hill M., Hill T., Holsclaw, Holt, Howell, Hulsey, Johnson, Kane, Keisling, Kumar, Lamberth, Littleton, Lollar, Lundberg, Lynn, Madam Speaker Harwell, Marsh, Matheny, Matlock, McCormick, McDaniel, McManus, Moody, Pitts, Pody, Powers, Ragan, Ramsey, Reedy, Rogers, Sanderson, Sargent, Sexton C., Sexton J., Shaw, Shepard, Smith, Sparks, Spivey, Swann, Terry, Todd, Travis, Van Huss, Weaver, White D., White M., Wilburn, Williams, Windle, Wirgau, Womick -- 80.
Representatives voting no were: Akbari, Armstrong, Camper, Clemmons, Cooper, Favors, Gilmore, Hardaway, Jernigan, Jones, Love, Miller, Mitchell, Powell, Stewart, Towns, Turner -- 17.

Because of the remarkable work of grassroots activists all across the state, the work of Tennessee Right to LifeFamily Action Council,Tennessee Eagle Forum, countless churches, donors, volunteers, on November 4, God gave the VICTORY!!

The 2000 State Supreme Court decision was OVERTURNED by the people of Tennessee.  Now we can go back and put into place common sense, health protecting laws like those the Court overturned. THANK YOU to all those who played even the smallest role in this effort where we were outspent 3 or 4 to 1; where abortion supporters arranged for phone banking from other states into TN against us; where EVERY word in the opposing TV ads was at best, misleading, at worst, pure lies.

Praise the Lord for His Grace and Mercy on our state.  Ultimately this is a VICTORY for Moms and babies!!

Did you know that Tennessee Ranks 3rd in the Percentage of Out-of-State Abortions?


YES on 1 is a community-based outreach to raise awareness of the proposed pro-life constitutional amendment slated for public vote in 2014. Local committees in support of YES on 1 are being developed in communities, counties, churches and campuses across the state. Because of a radical 4-1 ruling by the Tennessee Supreme Court in 2000, Tennessee now boasts a broader right to abortion than that recognized by Roe v. Wade or the U.S. Constitution

Where can I find more background information, volunteer, donate, see Frequently Asked Questions, get resources or products like T-shirts, car magnets, palm cards, buttons and banners promoting YES on 1?  GO HERE. We cannot do this without YOUR HELP!

For background, see:  A Pro-Life State Constitution and especially The Tennessee Supreme Court: Roving Constitutional Convention

Posted on 02/13/2018 1:28 PM by Bobbie Patray
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