Tuesday, 31 May 2022
Christians Should Understand Better Than Anyone the Depth of Love Behind the Ultimate Sacrifice

05-29-2022 Dr. David Jeremiah

"Freedom isn't free" is a popular adage, especially around Memorial Day. When we look at the price paid by soldiers who come home wounded, or who don't come home at all, we realize the cost of deliverance from tyranny and oppression.

Christians can understand better than anyone that someone pays the price for freedom.

The cornerstone of the Christian faith is that Jesus is a Savior who paid the ultimate sacrifice to bring people into union with God the Father. It is Jesus' sacrifice that enables mankind to be free from sin and death. We are the recipients of the depth of Christ's love and the sacrifice of his life for ours.

And yet, even Christians can become complacent and lose perspective. We can become so accustomed to our peaceful way of life that we take it for granted. We can become lulled into feeling like the lifestyle we are blessed with is the way it's always been.

We often do this with our Christian walk overall. At times we forget that we aren't entitled to anything. God's love is unconditional, and His grace is sufficient to cover every error we make. But He didn't owe it to us and we haven't earned it. God chose to send His Son to make a sacrifice of himself in order to give us life and give it more abundantly.

Jesus tells us plainly in John 15:13, "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." There are those living among us today who are laying down their lives for us on an ongoing basis.

Where I pastor, we are privileged to have many active-duty military members in our congregation. Over many years, my respect has grown for these men and women who willingly put their lives in danger for people who they don't know and will never meet. We proudly celebrate their service and sacrifice.

For many of our heroes who have fallen on the battlefield, we can be comforted that they will one day be reunited with their loved ones. It is written, "Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake" (Daniel 12:2a).

On this Memorial Day, pause and be sure you haven't taken these heroes for granted. Think of those in your family or in your circles who have given their lives for us. Remember the brother who was lost at such a young age, or your neighbor's father, or your friend's son or daughter. And as we spend this holiday with family and friends, it's a good opportunity to teach our children about these modern-day heroes. None of their sacrifices were in vain.

Memorial Day is a sacred day to reflect and give thanks for these heroes who have purchased with their lives the lives we enjoy today. For Christians, It's the greatest modern-day illustration of how much Jesus loves us and wants us to be free from sin, pain, and death.

Remember the loss that was endured to provide us with peace in the free world. Remember those who have to endure life with loved ones now missing from family photos. Finally, as we stop by a graveside or raise a flag up the pole, take a moment to thank the Lord for how blessed we are to be the recipients of love and sacrifice.

 Dr. David Jeremiah is among the best-known Christian leaders in the world. He serves as senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, California, and is the founder and host of Turning Point. Turning Point's 30-minute radio program is heard on more than 2,200 radio stations daily. A New York Times bestselling author and Gold Medallion winner, he has written more than fifty books.




Posted on 05/31/2022 6:55 AM by Bobbie Patray
Thursday, 12 May 2022
Dinesh D'Souza's '2000 Mules': Ballot trafficking exposé has the evidence; can it get a hearing?

Documentary leans on cell phone geotracking data and security camera video to expose hundreds of "mules" who stuffed ballot boxes at odd hours of the day in critical swing states in 2020.

By Christian Toto

Dinesh D'Souza didn't take any chances with his new documentary, "2000 Mules."

The conservative filmmaker leaned on free speech-friendly platforms like Rumble and Locals.com to ensure his provocative challenge to election integrity got a fair hearing.

"2000 Mules" may be the most convincing, and explosive, evidence the 2020 Presidential election wasn't as fair as we've been told.

"We are essentially keeping our boat away from the reef of censorship," D'Souza says of his Big Tech strategy. "It's at a high price … this is the most censored topic in America."

"2000 Mules" enjoys a limited theatrical release (May 2, 4) before a virtual premiere May 7. You won't find much about it, though, via D'Souza's Facebook, Twitter or YouTube channels, despite his large followings on each.

"I didn't put the trailer up on Facebook," he says. "If I do it'll be banned." He is hopeful, however, that "2000 Mules" can thrive in a new, freer speech environment on Twitter following its recent purchase by Elon Musk.

Calling Musk's Twitter "a liberated platform" evoking "Eastern Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall," he says, "I feel the excitement."

D'Souza knew any statement, let alone an entire film, questioning the security of the 2020 presidential election triggers Big Tech censors. Even former President Donald Trump's chat touching on the subject with the NELK Boys earned a YouTube ban.

D'Souza's film leans heavily on geotracking data from cell phones and video collected by security cameras to show hundreds of "mules" who stuffed ballot boxes at odd hours of the day in critical swing states during the 2020 election cycle.

These mules traveled from box to box between visits to nonprofit groups in their elaborate journeys in the weeks approaching Election Day. (D'Souza's film doesn't share the names of these groups for legal reasons, he says).

Some "mules" came from states outside the polling places in question. Others visited more than 10 different nonprofits before their work days were done.

They often toiled late at night and took pictures of themselves dropping off fistfuls of ballots, possibly to prove to their benefactors they performed the task in question. Others are shown wearing blue surgical-style gloves while dropping off the envelopes only to dispose of them seconds later.

The Houston-based True the Vote, which formed in 2009, supplied the geotracking data for D'Souza's film. The organization hopes to restore confidence in the U.S. election system, which took a sizable hit after the fallout from Joe Biden's 2020 victory. 

D'Souza knows many Americans, especially conservatives, want to move past questions of 2020 election chicanery. He can't help but wonder if the mules in question cost President Trump a second term.

"The ramifications are considerable … if its evidence holds up, we're in uncharted territory," he says, citing accusations of voter fraud in John F. Kennedy's victory over Richard Nixon in 1960 as child's play in comparison.

D'Souza's films are often like conservative op-eds, brimming with rough and tumble charges against the left. "2000 Mules" is different, taking an investigative approach to its subject.

The real-world consequences of the evidentiary trove detailed in the film are unfolding in Georgia, among other swing states, where the State Elections Board and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger are investigating potential illegal ballot trafficking during the 2020 election cycle. Biden won there 49.5%-49.3% in 2020, defeating Trump by fewer than 12,000 votes in the long reliably red Peach State. 

D'Souza brings curious baggage to "2000 Mules." Not only are his previous films ("Death of a Nation," "Trump Card") brimming with conservative sharp elbows, President Donald Trump pardoned D'Souza in 2018 for illegally contributing $20,000 to a New York politician.

He wants audiences to put his ideology aside.

"It wouldn't matter if I was an extreme left-winger or moderate," he says. "The proof of the pudding is in the pudding." 

The filmmaker admits many questions remain unanswered by "2000 Mules." 

"How do we know the mules were paid? Who organized this?" he asks, adding he wasn't able to show money changing hands but that doesn't mean the mules weren't paid for their efforts.

He's also at a loss to explain why the allegedly tainted ballots didn't fuel a blue Democratic wave in 2020. Perhaps, he muses, people weren't comfortable with election chicanery but did the bare minimum required to keep the "fascist" Trump out of the White House.

President Trump has seen "2000 Mules" and gave it his approval, but most Republicans in D.C. haven't screened the movie yet.

"I would be surprised if they didn't hear about it very soon," D'Souza notes.

Following its premieres, the filmmaker says, the movie will shift to digital downloads via SalemNow.com and Locals.com, the latter a free speech hub created by pundit and author Dave Rubin. 

D'Souza thinks his critics will cling to the notion that the votes stuffed into all those ballot boxes were ultimately legal, even if the methods behind them look shady.

"They're not going to be able to shut it down," he says of his critics. "It's unstoppable."

D'Souza predicts one significant fallout from "2000 Mules." The canard that the 2020 presidential battle between Joe Biden and Donald Trump was "the most secure election in history will start falling by the wayside," he says



Posted on 05/12/2022 6:54 AM by Bobbie Patray
Tuesday, 10 May 2022
Polls Show Majority of Americans Agree with Overturning Roe v. Wade

 Susan Berry, PhD

Despite the narrative of the abortion industry and its political and media allies, several recent polls show the majority of Americans agree the Supreme Court should overturn Roe v. Wade and return decisions about abortion to the states.

Tim Carney at the Washington Examiner observed a YouGov poll published last week found 64 percent of Americans believe the Mississippi law that is at the center of the Supreme Court case – one that bans abortions past 15 weeks of pregnancy – is either acceptable, as is, or not restrictive enough.



he poll asked the question, “On the subject of abortion, at what point in a pregnancy do you think abortions should be banned?”

The responses break down as follows:

  • 23% said abortion should never be banned
  • 12% said abortion should be banned after six months
  • 10% said abortion should be banned after 15 weeks – what Mississippi’s law mandates
  • 13% said abortion should be banned after three months
  • 20% said abortion should be banned after six weeks (heartbeat)
  • 21% said abortion should be entirely banned.

“Add it together, and it means that 64% of people in the United States believe Mississippi’s law is either the right call or too liberal on abortion,” Carney wrote. “To uphold this law is to side with the opinion of nearly two-thirds of America on abortion policy.”

He continued:

But Alito’s opinion wouldn’t end there. He would strike down Roe and thus return abortion to the states and to the democratic realm of lawmaking. Not everything should be subject to democracy, of course, which is why we have a Bill of Rights. But is it extreme to say, as Alito does, that abortion law shouldn’t be determined by the Supreme Court?

“Not at all,” the senior columnist added, noting, “Some polls suggest that most people in America agree with Alito on that score, too. Others show a split opinion.”

Carney pointed out the Washington Examiner commissioned its own poll 18 months ago that found an even split between Americans who think the federal government should regulate or ban abortion and those who think this is the job of the states.

Interestingly, a plurality of Independent voters responded states should have the power to regulate abortion.

Media and polling outlets reporting huge percentages of Americans saying they want Roe v. Wade to prevail are possibly either not sufficiently defining the terms involved in their questions, or respondents may not understand the premise of Roe and that a decision overturning the landmark case would return abortion issues to the states.

On Sunday, David Freddoso, online opinion editor at the Washington Examinerreported CNN’s poll, taken after the May 2 leaked draft opinion – and one that asked respondents which party’s candidate they planned to support in November – found Republicans with a seven-point advantage.

This outcome is perhaps most significant in light of the fact CNN had polled on the same question just several days before the leaked draft as well, and found Republicans with a one-point advantage.

As Freddoso wrote, the poll’s results, post-leak, show “the largest GOP advantage in the history of CNN’s generic ballot poll.”

He summarized the significance of the poll and its timing:

The CNN poll is just the first indication — not proof, but evidence — that Roe has long been a paper tiger in the Democrats’ hands. The Supreme Court decision that forbids states from restricting or even properly regulating abortion is something that most people still tell pollsters they support, but they may not be too bothered when it’s gone and many U.S. states either abolish abortion or restrict it in a manner similar to European countries, just like the Mississippi law that is the subject of the Supreme Court’s impending decision.


A Marist poll released in January was commissioned by the Knights of Columbus, as it is each year on the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. The survey found 71 percent of Americans support restrictions on abortion, including 49 percent of Democrats, 93 percent of Republicans, and 70 percent of Independents.

Respondents were also asked, “Which comes closest to your view of what the Supreme Court should do when it reconsiders Roe v. Wade, the 1973 ruling making abortion legal in the United States?”

The results from this question found 44% said states should determine the issue, while 17% said the Supreme Court should make abortion entirely illegal, and 36% said abortion should be legal without restrictions.

In summary, 61% believe the Supreme Court should either overturn Roe or make abortion entirely illegal.

When asked about taxpayer funding support for abortions within the United States, 54 percent said they are opposed, while 42 percent agree with it.

Additionally, 73 percent said they are opposed to using tax dollars to fund abortions abroad, while 22 percent support it. Those opposed to American taxpayers funding abortion overseas include 59 percent of those who identify as “pro-choice,” 55 percent who say they are Democrat, 95 percent who identify as Republican, and 74 percent of Independents.

Respondents were also asked if it is possible to have abortion laws that protect both a mother and her unborn child. In response, 81 percent said they believe it is possible, while 14 percent said laws must protect either the mother or the baby.

Among participants who said laws can protect both mother and baby, 76 percent label themselves “pro-choice,” 79 percent as Democrat, 88 percent as Republican, and 78 percent as Independent.

Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly of the Knights of Columbus said in a statement the organization’s polling “continues to show that over 60% of Americans reject the central holding of Roe v. Wade, and want to return the decision to the states or make abortion illegal.”

“Roe v. Wade was wrong when it was decided, and its legacy is the tragic destruction of more than 60 million unborn lives and countless wounded women,” Kelly said. “The time has come for America to turn the page on Roe.”

– – –

Susan Berry, PhD, is national education editor at The Star News Network. Email tips to sberryphd@protonmail.com.
Photo “Pregnant Woman” by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.






Posted on 05/10/2022 6:19 AM by Bobbie Patray
Friday, 6 May 2022
How To Respond About Roe V. Wade

By Kristan Hawkins (President of Students for Life) – May 5, 2022

I was not expecting to be on NPR, MSNBC, EWTN, ABC, and more, talking about the moment we’ve been dreaming of since we launched Students for Life – the impending reversal of Roe v. Wade.

Of course, we’ve always known Roe would be reversed. But the Supreme Court leak of a draft of the majority decision (verified as authentic by the Court) took the entire nation by surprise.

So, of course, the Students for Life team was out at the Supreme Court today to make our support for Roe‘s reversal known.

As you might imagine, this situation is rapidly changing, and we’re doing everything possible to keep the Pro-Life Gen updated.

Note: This was only a draft decisionno final decision has been released yet. It was leaked as a desperate measure by the pro-abortion movement to bully the Supreme Court Justices to change their minds before the final decision.

So, while we wait for the final decision (which we pray is the reversal of Roe)… I know you’re seeing A LOT of crazy stuff on social media.

As expected, abortion supporters are losing their minds.

While plenty of that is funny, there are a few genuine concerns they raise that we, as a movement, need to address.

What follows is a “toolkit” I made for you to communicate effectively on critical topics surrounding Roe’s impending reversal.

Roe v. Wade and Privacy

There is concern among some that reversing Roe will impact “privacy rights” like those that were identified in Griswold v. Connecticut (which allowed married couples to acquire contraception) and Obergefell v. Hodges (which legalized gay marriage).

Those who are panicking about privacy, or, simply trying to stir panic among others, are muddying the water by suggesting Roe‘s reversal will have an effect on many other issues.

Here are some of our talking points…

• The language of the draft indicates that the Roe v. Wade decision is hyper-focused on abortion. They are very intentional about distinguishing abortion from an actual issue of privacy because abortion deals with “a critical moral question:” ending a human life.

• Neither abortion nor privacy appear in the Constitution, yet, in the context of a civilized society, we argue that privacy can’t include ending someone else’s life. Your rights cannot infringe, especially lethally, on someone else’s.

• Roe v. Wade itself deviated from its legal foundation in privacy with the 1993 Planned Parenthood v. Casey decision. On page 51 of the draft, it is written, “When Casey revisited Roe almost 20 years later, very little of Roe‘s reasoning was defended or preserved. The Court abandoned any reliance on a privacy right and instead grounded the abortion right entirely on the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause.”

What About Rape?

Abortion in the case of sexual assault is another trending topic as tensions swirl regarding Roe‘s future. The consistent messaging of the pro-life movement stands firm…

• We don’t issue birth certificates in the United States with a ratings system based on how someone was conceived.

• We don’t advocate for prejudice against people based on perceptions of their abilities, sex, race, or parents.

• What has been missing in conversations on the so-called exceptions is how children conceived in rape value and see their lives. We see them as valuable, worthy of love, and welcome.

• Clearly crimes must be fully prosecuted, and women helped. But we mourn as well for the preborn who also suffer.

• We recommend promoting the stories of people conceived in rape, such as Ryan Bomberger.

• Read more about responding to challenges about abortion and rape here.

Bodily Autonomy

With the reversal of Roe, the Pro-Life Gen can expect to hear and see “My Body, My Choice” near constantly. That mantra is just as off-base now as it’s always been.

• It is 2022. The science of how mammals (i.e. humans) gestate offspring is pretty set in stone. There are two (or more) bodies in play during a pregnancy. Multiple sets of DNA, blood types, body parts, etc.

• Women should make all decisions concerning their bodies. But that cannot ethically involve killing a human being who resides within it.

• The draft decision which looks to reverse Roe says nothing of women’s autonomy. It says that Roe was wrong and states can set their own abortion laws.

• Read more about responding to bodily rights arguments here.

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Back Alley Abortions

For those genuinely concerned that making abortion unavailable in many places will put women in danger, I advise using these talking points to help guide your response…

• This formula (“We have to keep it legal or else people will keep doing it anyway but more dangerously”) does not work in the context of other crimes. If we were talking about bank robbery instead, advocates for robbery would not be able to argue, “We have to keep armed bank robbery legal or else the robber could be hurt,” without being ridiculed. A crime that hurts other people cannot be legalized via the “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” mentality.

• Legalizing abortion didn’t even make it safer. It just moved the “ABORTION” sign from the back door to the front. Read more about how dangerous legal abortion has been here.

• Click here to see the list of women who have been killed by legal abortion.

• A recent study fully debunks the myth that legal abortion keeps women safer. Dr. Calum Miller, a British physician and ethicist, published findings this spring that actually proved the opposite.

• Legalizing abortion did not reduce the number of women dying from abortion. Some evidence suggests it led to more women dying.

• Legalizing abortion didn’t even reduce the number of women having illegal abortions – the number of illegal abortions actually increased, while the number of legal abortions skyrocketed.

• The severity of the complications women had increased dramatically when abortion was legalized. The proportion of women admitted to intensive care tripled. And in the following years, there was a further 50% increase in severe complications, and the proportion of women with organ failure quadrupled.

People Don’t Actually Like Roe v. Wade

Obviously, a major component of people’s ire about reversing Roe is the myth that Americans actually like it in the first place. Our polling has not found that to be true…

• More than ever, Millennials and Gen Z want a voice and a vote on abortion. An astonishing 8 in 10 want to vote on abortion policy in their states – UP from 66% last year.

• Standing firm in their desire for less abortion, once again 3 out of 4 Millennials and Gen Z want limits with more than 4 in 10 favoring either no abortion at all or abortion limited to the exceptions of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother.

• While the economy is the political issue that most concerns a plurality of voters, 1 in 5 say abortion also motivates their vote (19%). (This compares with a recent Associated Press poll that found 13% of Democrats said that abortion was an issue they wanted the federal government to address, up from less than 1% in 2021 and 3% in 2020.)

• In fact, after learning more about Roe, almost 6 in 10 oppose Roe’s radical reach, of abortion through all 9 months of pregnancy.

I hope that overview helps in your conversations at this crucial time!  I just dropped a new Explicitly Pro-Life podcast episode that discusses a lot of these topics AND I was on MSNBC today talking about them, too!

Buckle up – the ride has only just begun!


FOR MORE INTORMATION AND ADDITIONAL ARTICLES: https://tennesseeconservativenews.com/how-to-respond-about-roe-v-wade/?inf_contact_key=55df6a0f2e746b9063923b9f5b0e6093


Posted on 05/06/2022 5:36 AM by Bobbie Patray
Tuesday, 3 May 2022
‘We Were Terrified’: Family At Disney World Says Someone Tracked Their Movements Through Apple Device

By  Hank Berrien    DailyWire.com

A Tennessee family visiting Walt Disney World got a frightening reminder of the power of cell phones, saying that their movements inside the park had been tracked by someone with access to an Apple AirTag device on their daughter’s phone.

Jennifer Gaston told Fox 35 Orlando that her daughter Madison received a notification on her iPhone as the family was riding the monorail back to the parking lot. The notification showed someone had tracked everywhere Madison had gone between 7:09 p.m. and 11:33 p.m., including the ride back to the parking lot.

“We were terrified, we were confused, hurt, and scared,” Gaston said, adding of her daughter, “She literally watched it follow us from the tram all the way back to our vehicle.”

Once the family believed they had been tracked, they unsuccessfully looked inside their car for the AirTag, then locked the doors, exited the parking lot and informed police, but Madison kept checking her phone to see where the device was.

“As she was refreshing it, it showed the AirTag was still in our parking spot so somehow when we were frantically shaking out clothes and dumping everything out of our bags it fell out,” Gaston recalled.

Apple writes on its website, “AirTag is a supereasy way to keep track of your stuff. Attach one to your keys. Put another in your backpack. And just like that, they’re on your radar in the Find My app, where you can also track down your Apple devices and keep up with friends and family.”

“We’ve become aware that individuals can receive unwanted tracking alerts for benign reasons, such as when borrowing someone’s keys with an AirTag attached, or when traveling in a car with a family member’s AirPods left inside,” Apple wrote, admitting, “We also have seen reports of bad actors attempting to misuse AirTag for malicious or criminal purposes.”

“When survivors and advocates warned Apple that AirTags were dangerous, the company refused to listen. They claimed that their technical fixes would prevent abuse,” Albert Fox, the executive director of Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (STOP) has warned. “Today, we see that they’re wrong and that AirTags are being abused in exactly the way we feared.”

“This story could have ended way differently,” Jennifer Gaston said. “I’m praising God we have the outcome we have, but it’s because she was diligent and aware of what to do.”

(Disclosure: The Daily Wire has announced plans for kids entertainment content.)


For more information and additioal articles:


Posted on 05/03/2022 6:52 AM by Bobbie Patray
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