Wednesday, 24 May 2023
Dr. Lisa Littman did a survey in 2018 - Children gender dysphoria



Dr. Lisa Littman did a survey in 2018 of 256 parents whose CHILDREN presented with rapid onset gender dysphoria.

82.8% of the subjects were girls. The findings are mind-blowing. The average age when they announced they were transgender was 15.2 years of age.

41% of the children had expressed non-heterosexual orientation before identifying with transgenderism.

62.5% of the children had a diagnosis of at least one mental health disorder or neurodevelopmental disorder (such as autism) before the onset of gender dysphoria. Telling.

36.8% of the children had friend groups in which the majority had identified as transgender. This one is important. Nearly 40% of these people had A MAJORITY OF THEIR FRIENDS as transgender. So, yes, you can be groomed into it.

47.2% of the children had a decline in mental health AFTER expressing gender dypshoria. They always tell you that changing genders will make you happier, but that finding contradicts that.

57.3% had a decline in parent–child relationship after expressing gender dysphoria. This one makes sense. The children isolate from their parents because they get closer to their groomers at school, groomer groups online, etc.

25% stopped spending time with non-transgender friends. That is extremely concerning. Makes me think of radicalization.

49.4% tried to isolate themselves from their families. So nearly 50% of these transgender children don't even want to be associated with their families anymore.

46.6% were reported by parents to only trust information from transgender sources. This one is absolutely terrifying. It sounds like a complete cult.

86.7% of the young people after expressing GD showed an increase in social media/ internet use OR belonged to a friendship group in which 1 or multiple friends had identified as transgender within the same time frame.

Or both. So, it just reinforces the phenomenon that this is not naturally occurring. The sudden increase in childhood transgenderism is something that is a social factor. They are isolating themselves and cutting themselves off from the outside world other than their bubble of other transgender friends. This isn't shocking because we know that children are young and impressionable. That's why they're throwing these pronouns down people's throats at schools. But, Littman's study gets even more interesting.

"60.0% of the friend groups were known to mock people who were not transgender.

There was also strong evidence that if a child then decided they were not transgender after all, they experienced serious problems subsequently with being branded as a fake or a traitor. This necessitated moving to different schools in some cases." So, not only do they go into these social groups to feel accepted, but they are mocked if they leave. So imagine, you get sucked into the transgender thing for a few weeks or months because your friends are all doing it, but then you decide it's not for you. You get mocked, bullied and even have to switch schools. It's THAT MUCH of a cult.

And if you want to REALLY dig deep into this stuff, a study conducted prior to this by Dr. Melanie Bechard shows the following statistics about transgender youth:

80% had had some form of prior outpatient assessment for psychosocial or psychological problems.

22% had been inpatients for such problems.

54% had been on psychopharmacologic medication. 34% had dropped out of school.

62% had had suicidal ideation. 36% had self-harmed.

20% had a history of physical abuse.

10% had a history of sexual abuse.

WE ARE DESTROYING OUR YOUTH SO THAT THE VIRTUE SIGNALERS OF THE WORLD CAN FEEL GOOD ABOUT THEMSELVES! SHARE THESE FACTS WITH EVERYONE! When Joe Biden says that we need to protect transgender youth, he means that he wants MORE of this. Protecting transgender youth would mean getting these kids the mental help they need, not perpetrating more of this suffering!

Posted on 05/24/2023 7:31 AM by Bobbie Patray
Tuesday, 23 May 2023
Don’t Miss The Most Damning Durham Finding

Don’t Miss The Most Damning Durham Finding


MAY 17, 2023

Special Counsel John Durham declared the DOJ and FBI’s hearts and minds corrupted.



Monday’s special counsel report detailed extensive evidence of Department of Justice and FBI misconduct concerning the launch and handling of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, and equally overwhelming proof of partisan motives and double standards. While the facts are critical of both the bureau and the DOJ, more scandalous is John Durham’s conclusion that the inexcusable targeting of a political opponent cannot be prevented absent a curing of the corrupted hearts and minds of law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

Durham’s 306-page report opened with an executive summary capsulizing the results of the special counsel’s four-year investigation into the intelligence activities and investigations arising out of the 2016 presidential campaigns. While calling the findings “sobering,” and previewing the widespread misconduct on which the body of the report elaborated, Durham’s introductory comments emphasized he “does not recommend any wholesale changes in the guidelines and policies.” 

It is here that Durham made his damning indictment of the DOJ and the FBI when he stressed that “the answer is not the creation of new rules but a renewed fidelity to the old.” Ultimately, he continued, justice “comes down to the integrity of the people who take an oath to follow the guidelines.” And “the promulgation of additional rules and regulations to be learned in yet more training sessions would likely prove to be a fruitless exercise if the FBI’s guiding principles of ‘Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity’ are not engrained in the hearts and minds of those sworn to meet the FBI’ s mission of ‘Protect[ing] the American People and Uphold[ing] the Constitution of the United States.’”

For the many details that followed — every misstep retraced and every inexplicable and unreasonable action condemned — that conclusion dwarfed them all. From the hurried opening of a full investigation of a presidential campaign based on unanalyzed and uncorroborated information to the fraudulent use of FISA warrants to the disregard of exculpatory evidence, Crossfire Hurricane represented a perfect storm of failures. 

But what should terrify the country is not the catalog of malfeasance the special counsel recited — for mistakes and even gross failures can be corrected — but that Durham warned of corrupted hearts and minds, unfaithful to the people and their Constitution. 

Telling too was that Durham opened and closed his 300-plus page report on the Russia-collusion hoax with homage to Attorney General Edward H. Levi. Appointed attorney general not long into President Ford’s term, Levi was “credited with restoring order after Watergate.” Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia would later say of Levi, he “brought the department through its worst years.”

But it was not merely Watergate. As Scalia detailed, “it was a bad time not only because of the disgrace of Watergate, which had affected the department most deeply, but there were also problems at the F.B.I.” At the time, the FBI had been conducting domestic surveillance operations, and under Levi’s leadership, regulations were put into place to limit the bureau’s abuse.

That history makes even more pronounced Durham’s introductory reminder that “the integrity of the people who take an oath to follow the guidelines and policies currently in place, guidelines that date from the time of Attorney General Levi,” is what ensures “the rule of law is upheld.” 

Likewise, Levi’s role in reforming the FBI and bringing the DOJ out of the shadow of the Watergate scandal gives profound meaning to Durham’s decision to close the special counsel’s report like this: 

‘Nothing,’ former Attorney General Levi warned, ‘can more weaken the quality of life or more imperil the realization of the goals we all hold dear than our failure to make clear by words and deed that our law is not the instrument of partisan purpose.’

For all the misconduct the special counsel exposed, it was Levi’s warning that Durham left us. And that, I fear, is the most significant revelation to come from the investigation: that after four years of inspecting the underbelly of the FBI, Durham saw a creature reminiscent of the one running wild under Nixon.

Sadly, Durham’s words are unlikely to resonate with Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray. For they stand idly by while history repeats itself with the favoritism previously shown to Hillary Clinton now being bestowed on Hunter Biden and the Biden family. But the special counsel’s entreat could still succeed from the bottom up if the honorable and faithful men and women of the FBI join the ranks of whistleblowers and revolt against those leaders corrupted in heart and mind. 

Margot Cleveland is The Federalist's senior legal correspondent. She is also a contributor to National Review Online, the Washington Examiner, Aleteia, and, and has been published in the Wall Street Journal and USA Today. Cleveland is a lawyer and a graduate of the Notre Dame Law School, where she earned the Hoynes Prize—the law school’s highest honor. She later served for nearly 25 years as a permanent law clerk for a federal appellate judge on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. Cleveland is a former full-time university faculty member and now teaches as an adjunct from time to time. As a stay-at-home homeschooling mom of a young son with cystic fibrosis, Cleveland frequently writes on cultural issues related to parenting and special-needs children. Cleveland is on Twitter at @ProfMJCleveland. The views expressed here are those of Cleveland in her private capacity.


Posted on 05/23/2023 6:31 AM by Bobbie Patray
Wednesday, 17 May 2023
Legislative letter to Police Chief John Drake






Posted on 05/17/2023 6:14 AM by Bobbie Patray
Thursday, 11 May 2023


Gov. Lee Announces Special Session on Public Safety to Begin August 21

Invites Tennesseans to share feedback on public safety & preserving constitutional rights

Monday, May 08, 2023 | 02:43pm

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Today, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee announced that he will call for the Tennessee General Assembly to convene a special legislative session on August 21, 2023, to strengthen public safety and preserve constitutional rights. 

“After speaking with members of the General Assembly, I am calling for a special session on August 21 to continue our important discussion about solutions to keep Tennessee communities safe and preserve the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens,” said Gov. Lee. “There is broad agreement that action is needed, and in the weeks ahead, we’ll continue to listen to Tennesseans and pursue thoughtful, practical measures that strengthen the safety of Tennesseans, preserve Second Amendment rights, prioritize due process protections, support law enforcement and address mental health.”

Starting today, Tennesseans are invited to engage in the conversation by sharing feedback here.

Gov. Lee will meet with legislators, stakeholders and Tennesseans throughout the summer to discuss practical solutions ahead of the special session. 

The Governor’s office will issue a formal call ahead of the special session. 




Remember how quickly hundreds of people showed up at that Capitol on several separate days? Well, this opportunity will be used JUST LIKE THAT!!! 

1. Why would it be a good idea for the TN General Assembly to meet in a Special Session without having complete access to the shooter's  'manifesto', journal and any other writings before making any decisions about legislation??
2. Any gun control measure, regardless how benign or insignificant it may seem, will be a huge victory for gun opponents.
3. The consequences far exceed the issue of our constitutional right to keep and bear arms.  Which side prevails on this issue will determine the nature of political discourse for many years to come. 
4. To the argument that "we need to do something": we already did - we provided major funding to schools to provide school resource officers to every school.
5. Changing the title from "Red Flag" to "Risk Protection Order" changes the words, but does not change the fact that the technical term for "Red Flag Law" is "Extreme Risk Protection Order" anyway. "Rebranding" does not make it better.


Tennesseans: Provide Public Comment Ahead of Aug. 21 Special Session



I really can't tell you how important it is to make YOUR voice heard. 

A LOT of other voices are going to be heard.





Posted on 05/11/2023 4:57 AM by Bobbie Patray
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