Monday, 4 April 2016
Common Core


UPDATE [April 2016]:  Tennessee Didn't Repeal Common Core, They Rebranded It


For three years many grassroots activists have been working to impact the Common Core State Standards that were adopted by Tennessee in 2010.  After some intense battles and hard work that included passing two pieces of legislation (see below) we have the opportunity to make our voices heard. Public Chapter 423 put in place the process by which these standards would be rewritten.  The first draft of the new standards are now online ready for review. They will be available until December 1, 2015.  YOUR help is needed or all that hard work will be for nothing.  Please go HERE and review these standards.  The Review Committees are reading EVERY review and compiling them for action.  Please don't miss this opportunity.




This bill was signed by the Governor on May 11, 2015. It is now Public Chapter 423.


SB 1163 by *Bell, (HB 1035by *Spivey
These three amendments now make up the body of SB1163-HB1035:
Amendment 1,  Amendment 2,  Amendment 3
On April 20, HB1035 passed the House floor: 97-0:
Representatives voting aye were: Akbari, Alexander, Armstrong, Beck, Brooks H., Brooks K., Butt, Byrd, Calfee, Camper, Carter, Casada, Clemmons, Coley, Cooper, Daniel, DeBerry, Doss, Dunlap, Dunn, Durham, Eldridge, Faison, Farmer, Favors, Fitzhugh, Forgety, Gilmore, Goins, Gravitt, Halford, Hardaway, Harrison, Hawk, Haynes, Hazlewood, Hill M., Hill T., Holsclaw, Holt, Howell, Hulsey, Jernigan, Johnson, Jones, Kane, Keisling, Kumar, Lamberth, Littleton, Lollar, Love, Lundberg, Lynn, Madam Speaker Harwell, Marsh, Matheny, Matlock, McCormick, McDaniel, McManus, Miller, Mitchell, Moody, Parkinson, Pitts, Pody, Powell, Powers, Ragan, Ramsey, Reedy, Rogers, Sanderson, Sargent, Sexton C., Sexton J., Shaw, Shepard, Smith, Sparks, Spivey, Stewart, Swann, Terry, Todd, Towns, Travis, Turner, Van Huss, Weaver, White D., White M., Wilburn, Williams, Windle, Wirgau -- 97.
On April 21, SB1163 passed the State Floor 28-1:
Senators voting aye were: Bailey, Beavers, Bell, Bowling, Briggs, Crowe, Dickerson, Gardenhire, Green, Gresham, Hensley, Jackson, Johnson, Kelsey, Ketron, Kyle, McNally, Mr. Speaker Ramsey, Niceley, Norris, Overbey, Roberts, Southerland, Stevens, Tracy, Watson, Yager, Yarbro -- 28.
          Senators voting no were: Harris -- 1.
NOTE:  It you read the first section of the Conference Committee Reportthat was passed last year, which became TCA 49-1-309, this year's legislation has to abide by the provisions of last year's bill which provides even more transparency for the development and adoption of new standards.


MARCH 21, 2015:  SB 1163 by *Bell, Massey (HB 1035by *Spivey,Forgety, Harwell, Lollar, Coley, Todd, McManus, Sanderson, Hulsey, Matheny, Shepard, Wirgau, McDaniel, Calfee, Kane, Womick, Powers, Hawk, Matlock, Sexton J, Casada
Education, Curriculum - As introduced, requires the department of education to report on the availability and content of driver education and training courses in public schools to the education committee of the senate and the education instruction and programs committee of the house prior to March 1, 2016. -
DO NOT PAY ATTENTION THIS CAPTION.  SB1163-HB1035 has become a vehicle for a bill amended to address Common Core State Standards.


"This is not a standards bill, but a process bill," said Sen. Bell.  "It sets up a very robust process to develop Tennessee-specific standards that are high standards.  This process is not to rebrand Common Core, nor is it set up to reaffirm Common Core.  It is set up to replace Common Core with Tennessee standards and Tennessee values."

This is the message about the amendment that is on Rep. Billy Spivey's Facebook page:

"Legislation To Replace Common Core In Tennessee Moves Forward In House
"Lawmakers say no to allowing federal standards in state education system
       "House Bill 1035 advanced out of the Education Instruction & Programs Subcommittee this week and will now move on to the full Committee, where it is scheduled to be heard on Tuesday, March 24. The legislation establishes a process by which the state will formally replace the controversial Common Core education standards with a new set of standards crafted solely by Tennesseans.
       "As amended, the bill specifies that Tennessee is fully in charge of creating its own educational standards and ensures that none will be imposed on the state by the federal government in the future. The bill establishes a Standards Recommendation Committee that will be comprised of ten members, with four appointed by the Governor, three appointed by the Speaker of the Senate, and three appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
        "In addition, the legislation requires the State Board of Education to cancel the "Memorandum of Understanding" that had previously been agreed upon concerning Common Core State Standards.
        "Throughout the process of crafting these new education standards, House Bill 1035 provides multiple opportunities for public input and stresses transparency. Ultimately, the legislation will fully remove Tennessee from federal Common Core Standard guidelines while empowering Tennessee education professionals to craft new standards of educational excellence without undue influence from outside the state.
          "Heralded by proponents as the pathway to finally implementing Tennessee-based education standards in the state, supporters on both sides of the aisle agree this legislation will finally vanquish the Common Core standards that have drawn the ire of parents, teachers, school administrators, and advocacy groups nationwide over the last several years."

Ramsey: Deal keeps Common Core standards for now

New Common Core bill gets House sub OK - it 'strengthens' Haslam's review process

Spivey: Latest Common Core 'repeal' proposal a compromise

    The amendment says that the CCSS "will be reviewed and SHALL be replaced with new sets of standards adopted to fit the needs of Tennessee Students."  It also clearly states that the "Department of Education SHALL cancel any memorandum of understanding concerning the common core state standards entered into....." Both those things are good news.
    The remainder of the bill lays out what PROCESS would be followed to carry out the task.  Since I was not privy to the discussions that went on while the amendment was being developed, I don't know if national experts were consulted about this process or will be consulted, or if proven, rigorous, pre-Common Core standards from other states will be reviewed and considered for use in Tennessee.  It looks as if public involvement will be limited to responding to the standards on a website and when the recommendations are complete, the public will have opportunity for review. We don't know the identity of the 'third party' who will gather and transmit the data. Unless I am missing something, these new standards do not come back to the legislature for any kind of approval. The plan is for these standards to be adopted and fully implemented in the schools in the 2017-2018 school year.
STATUS: SB1163 is scheduled in  Senate Finance, Ways, and Means Committee calendar for 4/7/2015
HB1035 is scheduled on s/c cal Finance, Ways & Means Subcommittee for 4/8/2015
ACTION: This is your opportunity ask your questions and make your voice heard.

SB 1193 by *Beavers, (HB 1348by *Weaver
Education, Curriculum - As introduced, revises the provisions governing curriculum standards for K-12 students, such as prohibiting the implementation of the common core state standards and allowing the state board of education to come up with a new set of state academic content standards; creates the academic standards steering committee as a review authority for all legislation and proposals related to academic standards.
Bill Summary 
This bill revises and adds provisions related to academic standards in the subjects of English language arts (ELA), mathematics, science, and social studies.
This bill prohibits the state board of education from adopting a proposed change or addition to academic standards in ELA, mathematics, science, or social studies until:
(1) The general assembly approves the proposed change or addition to the academic standards by joint resolution;
(2) The education committees of the house and the education committee of the senate hold at least one public hearing, at which time the members of the public will have the opportunity to speak and express their concerns and opinions on the proposed changes or addition to the academic standards; and
(3) The academic standards steering committee, described below, recommends the proposed changes or revisions to the state academic content standards.  CLICK HERE, then the SUMMARY tab.
STATUS:  SB1193 was voted out of Senate Government Operations Committee 8-1: Senators voting aye were: Bailey, Beavers, Bell, Bowling, Crowe, Jackson, Kelsey, Roberts -- 8. Senators voting no were: Harris -- 1.
HB1348 failed in  Education Instruction & Programs Subcommittee on a voice vote.



MARCH 7, 2015:

SB 0005 by *Tracy,(HB 0003by *Forgety , Harwell, Lollar, Byrd, Kane, Love, Sparks, Johnson , Lamberth, Faison, Casada, McManus, Williams, Swann, Eldridge, Sexton C, Marsh, Wirgau, Rogers, Pitts, Keisling, Sargent, McCormick, Brooks H, Towns, Hardaway, Ragan, VanHuss
STATUS: HB 3 was back on the Calendar for the Education Instruction & Programs Subcommittee for 3/4/2015. Sponsor Rep. John Forgety commented that he and Rep. Billy Spivey are still working to find some legislation that will accommodate many more folks. HB 3 spoke only to ELA and Math standards. We are  attempting to provide another piece of legislation that is  more inclusive,  possibly accommodate many more folks and more concerns, and would be amenable to many more people. Rep. Spivey stated that many folks were doing the 'heavy lifting' as they try to come up with something more inclusive.  We want to do something that will put the issue behind us and we don't have to address it any more.  We want to  maximize the resources that the state already has committed and not create more bureaucracy  The goal is to create a sound process that help to develop a product that is best for TN students and  will move forward even after the sun sets here. I think we have found that product.  HB 3 didn't open enough of the code, so another bill will be used. HB 3 has been taken off notice.
We will have to wait to see and carefully examine what is offered.
House looks to expand Common Core review



State Executive Committee Unanimously Adopts Resolution on Common Core State Standards December 6, 2014



Are you looking for a single article that really explains the problem with Common Core?  Well, you have found it.
This was written in November 2013, and is one of the best I have read:

Common Core Standards: Ten Colossal Errors


The 108th Tennessee General Assembly passed legislation dealing with Common Core, PARCC and data collection that became Public Chapter 905.

Final outcome of the 2014 effort to impact the imposition of Common Core Standards and the use of the PARCC assessments can be foundHERE.  You will want to read this report and you will want to be attentive to the processes now laid out for our use.



You can view the rest of the speeches HERE.


This letter was sent individually to each Catholic bishop in
the United States. 132 Catholic professors signed the letter.

Joint Statement of Early Childhood Health and Education Professionals on the Common Core Standards Initiative



**Tennessee Schools Participating in PARCC Field Test**

1,152 schools in 122 districts as of Jan. 22, 2014

Senate Sponsor Says Compromise Near on Common Core

Haslam asks business group to lobby for Common Core

2014 Common Core Legislation Round-Up (12th Update)

What the Common Core Will Do to Colleges

What the Common Core Will Do to Colleges



SB 1266 by *Niceley ( HB 1129 by *Hill T)
Education, Curriculum - As introduced, requires emphasis on American foundational instruments and instruction in American historical achievement. 
When HB1129 brought up on the floor calendar Thursday, March 13, sponsor, Rep. Timothy Hill,  'moved to substitute and conform to SB1266', then  the House adopted amendments 1 and 2 which 'make' the bill and requires that each student must be taught the documents, writings or records, etc.  GoHERE for details. 
Amendment 5, which would 'postpone any FURTHER implementation of Common Core Standards until July 1, 2016', adopted 80-6-2.
Amendment 7, which would 'postpone any further implementation of PARCC assessments until July 1, 2016', adopted 88-0-0. Then, SB1266, as amended, passed the House Floor 82-11.



House Education Subcommittee was very long and exhausting this week. Rep. Rick Womick had multiple bills on the calendar.

SB 1985 by *Campfield ( HB 1825 by *Womick)
Education - As introduced, requires the state board of education and the department of education to postpone any further implementation of Common Core State Standards beyond those standards implemented as of June 30, 2013, until further implementation is approved by the general assembly
STATUS:  Because SB1985 had failed in Senate Education 2-7 (Sen. Campfield and Sen. Hensley voting YES; Senators Burks, Crowe, Dickerson, Gardenhire, Kelsey, Tate, Gresham voting NO), HB1825 was taken off notice.

SB 1986 by *Campfield ( HB 1826 by*Womick)
Education - As introduced, requires the general assembly to approve, by the general appropriations act, all state funding for any future assessment tests used to measure the educational progress of students.
STATUS:  Because SB1986 failed in Senate Education 3-6 (Senators Campfield, Crowe and Hensley voting YES; Senators Burks, Dickerson, Gardenhire, Kelsey, Tate, and Gresham voting NO), HB1826 was taken off notice.

Then we had the marathon session when more than three hours were spent on the two bills below.

HB 2332 by *Womick ( SB 2405 by *Beavers)
Education - As introduced, discontinues use of common core state standards. 
Voting YES: Rep. Debra Moody and Rep. Dawn White.
Voting NO:  Reps. Harry Brooks, John DeBerry, John Forgety, Roger Kane, Harold Love, Joe Pitts, Mark White.

HB 1828 by *Womick ( SB 1984 by *Campfield)
Education - As introduced, prohibits adoption or use of PARCC assessments; requires the general assembly to make the decision as to the adoption of assessments to replace TCAPs; requires the state to withdraw from PARCC; prohibits state membership in any group that relinquished control over assessments to an outside entity.
Voting YES:  Rep. Harold Love, Rep. Debra Moody, Rep. Dawn White.
Voting NO:  Reps. Harry Brooks, John DeBerry, John Forgety, Roger Kane, Joe Pitts, Mark White.



SB 1266 by *Niceley ( HB 1129 by *Hill T)
Education, Curriculum - As introduced, requires emphasis on American foundational instruments and instruction in American historical achievement. 
March 13, 2014: When HB1129 brought up on the floor calendar, sponsor, Rep. Timothy Hill,  'moved to substitute and conform to SB1266', then  the House adopted amendments 1 and 2 which 'make' the bill and requires that each student must be taught the documents, writings or records, etc.  Go HERE for details. 
In what can only be described as HIGH DRAMA [You can go and SHOULDgo HERE to watch the debate --move slide over to 2:48], the House went on to adopt two additional amendments:
Amendment 5, which would 'postpone any FURTHER implementation of Common Core Standards until July 1, 2016', adopted 80-6-2.
Amendment 7, which would 'postpone any further implementation of PARCC assessments until July 1, 2016', adopted 88-0-0.
Then, SB1266, as amended, passed the House Floor 82-11.

SB1266 will go back to the Senate where the Clerk will 'serve notice', meaning he will let the senators know that it has returned from the House amended. Then SB1266 will show up on a Message Calendar when the body will take it up and decide whether or not they will 'Concur' in the House amendments. 

SB 2410 by *Hensley ( HB 2333 by *Butt)
Education - As introduced, directs the comptroller of the treasury to audit the funding for the implementation of common core state standards and all components of PARCC, with cooperation from the department of education and the state board of education; requires the comptroller to do audit the race to the top funding; requires a report of findings and recommendations to the education committees by July 1, 2015
NOTE:  There is so much conflicting information 'out there' on the costs of the Common Core standards, all the components of PARCC and the Race to the Top grant, that it seems time to require the comptroller to a complete audit of each of theses entities.  The legislators, who are responsible for the budget, have not only the right, but the responsibility to know all of these important details.
STATUS:  So pleased to report, despite the questionably large fiscal note, SB2410 was passed by Senate Education on a 5-4 vote. It will now go to the Finance Committee where we will try to deal with the fiscal note. HB2333 is scheduled in House Education Subcommittee this week, members HERE
ACTION: Please contact members and urge them to help us get this important bill to Finance where we can work on the fiscal note.

SB 1835 by *Gresham ( HB 1549 by *Dunn)Education - As introduced, establishes requirements for the adoption of educational standards; prohibits use of student data for purposes other than tracking academic progress and educational needs of students.
NOTE: I cannot begin to emphasize how important this bill is in order to protect our schools, students and the state from the imposition of the additional standards that we already know have been developed.  This bill will give Tennesseans control of what happens when any new standards are proposed.  They will be posted, reviewed with the House and Senate holding hearings, thus giving the public opportunity to be involved in this process.  It also puts significant restrictions on data collection and well as what can happen to the data that is collected.
STATUS:  So pleased to report that HB1549 passed the House floor Monday night 81-9-2. SB1835 is in Senate Education next week.
ACTION:  Please contact the members of Senate Education to express your support for this important bill.  Be sure to THANK Sen. Gresham for sponsor this legislation.

Senate Committee member foundHERE; House Education Subcommittee members found HERE.
House Education Subcommittee will be meeting Tuesday, 8:00 am in Room 30; 3:00 pm in room 30; on Wednesday at 9:00 pm in Room 30. Senate Education will meet on Wednesday at 9:30 am in Room 12.

SB 2405 by *Beavers (HB 2332 by *Womick)
Education - As introduced, discontinues use of common core state standards
STATUS:  Respective bills are in respective committees this week

SB 1984 by *Campfield ( HB 1828 by *Womick)
Education - As introduced, prohibits adoption or use of PARCC assessments; requires the general assembly to make the decision as to the adoption of assessments to replace TCAPs; requires the state to withdraw from PARCC; prohibits state membership in any group that relinquished control over assessments to an outside entity
STATUS:  Respective bills are in respective committees this week

SB 1882 by *Niceley ( HB 1696 by *Butt) Education, Curriculum - As introduced, mandates that the state board of education and department of education shall immediately withdraw from the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) and common core state standards.
STATUS:  Respective bills are in respective committees this week

SB 2404 by *Hensley ( HB 2167 by *Butt)Education - As introduced, requires dissemination by the department of education and LEAs to parents of information concerning state and LEA mandated tests
STATUS:  Respective bills are in respective committees this week



The battle is engaged -- will you show up on the battle field?

This is THE most important week of the 2014 Session of the TN General Assembly. So many of us have worked SO HARD to make sure that the issue of Common Core is confronted.


  We have courageous lawmakers who have introduced legislation that will repeal Common Core as well as do other 'damage' to the impact of Common Core and all its tentacles. They need and deserve our support.

Go HERE, move slide to 19:08 to hear Rep. Micah Van Huss; 22:29 to hear Rep. Rick Womack; 24.00 to hear Rep. Matthew Hill; and 27:01 to hear Rep. Judd Matheny.

Arbitrarily, the most important bills were postponed to the LAST CALENDAR in the House Education Subcommittee. Knowing that the House and Senate leadership are intent on rushing to close down this session, our mission is to influence those leaders to hear these bills as soon as possible so they have time to get through the process with a fair hearing.

Please contact Rep. Harry Brooks - (615) 741-6879;
and Rep. Mark White - (615) 741-4415;
MESSAGE: POLITELY request that these bills be moved from the last calendar to the NEXT calendar. 

Ralph Bristol
Rep. Rick Womick (R-Murfreesboro) will be in my studio Tuesday morning, March 11 from 6 a.m. until "as long as it takes" to describe his concern about the structure and substance of Common Core, and will be prepared to cite the evidence to back it up. Feel free to pose specific questions here in advance of Tuesday's Common Core marathon on Nashville's Morning News, 99.7 WWTN. (Our regular Tuesday morning legislative insiders will be invited to join the discussion at their regular times.)

Come to Legislative Plaza by noon wearing some kind of 'Stop Common Core' sticker or button (Don't bring signs as they are not allowed in committee room).  Visit with available legislators to let them know you support the repeal of Common Core. Every legislator need to know that Common Core 
is opposed Plan to attend the House Education Subcommittee meeting at 3:00 in Room 30.

WEDNESDAY: Come early to attend for a Rally at 1:30pm on Legislative Plaza.  Bring signs (kid friendly and appropria
te please).  You will hear favorite legislators, activists, and media personalities.

THURSDAY: Come to sit in the Gallery at the 9:00 am House Floor session to watch as these important votes are cast.


Published on Dec 5, 2013 - An investigative documentary into the Common Core State Standards Initiative. Featuring Nationally renowned experts in education including, E.D. Hirsch, Jr., Sandra Stotsky, Jim Milgram, and many more.

Releasing Online Free: February 2014
In Festivals, DVD, and Theaters: Spring 2014


Kenneth Ye Farragut Studen, Dec 4th, School Board

Published on Dec 11, 2013

Brilliant analysis of Common Core by another Farragut High School student. Sadly, when he asks for an additional minute to speak, Chair Lynne Fugate refuses. However, Chair Fugate did allow a pro-McIntyre speaker additional time.



You really don't need to know any more about Common Core than what Ethan Young, a senior a Farragut High School had to say at the Knox County School Board meeting!!

Published on Nov 7, 2013:
Recorded at the Knox County School Board Regular Meeting
November 6, 2013
"Share this video with and spread the message"


Bradley County, TN says NO to Common Core

Common Core Glossary

Common Core Timeline




April 30th Videos Now Available



Controlling Education From The Top: Why Common Core is Bad For America

Facebook: Stop Common Core in Tennessee

Part 1 of 5 Stop the Common Core



Republicans Get Played Again

The Tennessean's Inaccurate Editorial

Common Core is State-Led? Hardly!


Sen. Grassley: Stop Federal Funds, Coercion on Common Core

Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer's Letter to Arne Duncan with signatures

Republican National Committee Resolution Opposing Common Core

National Federation of Republican Women Resolution Opposing Common Core


Anti Common Core Face Book Pages Listed By State



Handwaving away opposition to the national standards

1. ˜State-Led' Common Core Pushed by Federally Funded Nonprofit

2. Education Policies Led by Gates, Not States?

3. Common Core Math ˜Experiment' in U.S. Schools


4. Common Core's Political Agenda

5.  How Common Core's Standards Have Begun to Damage the School Curriculum

6.  Is The U.S. Dept. of Education Violating Federal Law by Directing Standards, Tests & Curricula?

7.  A New Kind of Problem: The Common Core Math Standards.

8.  States Must Reject National Education Standards While There Is Still Time

9. The Core Between the States

10. "Hogwash Alert to National Review Online

11. Controlling Education from the Top:  Why Common Core is Bad for America

12. Cong. Blaine Luetkemeyer (Missouri) Common Core Letter to Arne Duncan



The Common Core Hearings held by the Senate Education Committee on September 19 and 20 were very impressive.

There was 'standing room only' on Thursday afternoon as the Senate Education Committee convened the official hearings on the Common Core State Standards. A group of folks from 'STAND for Children' (there were wearing T-shirts) were bused in from Memphis. Lots of folks with the "Expect More--Achieve More" stickers on their lapels.

For three hours and 45 minutes, the English Language and Math Common Core State Standards were read to the audience. Video can be viewedHERE.  Frankly, it was a bit mind numbing!!!

Friday was the really important day.  The room started filling up very early as we settled in to hear the fourteen speakers that were scheduled to present.  The  seven hour and 20 minute video can be accessed HERE.

Below the picture is a bar that will show the numbers when the cursor is placed on it.  The numbers beside the speakers names indicate where their testimony begins.

All the members of the Senate Education were present for this important meeting except Sen. Brian Kelsey who was out of the country.
A number of other Senators and Representatives attended at least part of the hearings: Senators Mark Green, Ferrell Haile, Jack Johnson, Mae Beavers; Representatives Judd Matheny, Dale Carr, Glen Casada, Courtney Rogers, Ron Lollar,  Debra Moody, David Alexander, Dawn White, Terri Lynn Weaver, G.A. Hardaway, Vince Dean.

Common Core Overview - Commissioner of Education Kevin Huffman - :17
Testifying on Data - Jane Robbins, American Principles Project - 1:21
Testifying on the Tennessee Story - Jamie Woodson, President and CEO of SCORE - 1:53
Testifying on Cost - Ted Rebarber, CEO, Accountability Works -  2:21
Testifying on A District Leader's Perspective - Clint Satterfield, Director of Trousdale County Schools -- 2:54
Testifying on the Common Core Overview - Joy Pullman, Heartland Institute - 3:26
Testifying on Standards - Mike Petrilli, Ex. VP of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute - 3:47
Testifying on Georgia Senate Bill 167 - Sen. William Ligon - 4:14
Testifying on the Teacher's Perspective - Casie Jones - 4:40
Testifying on Assessments - Dr. Peg Luksik - 5:07
Testifying on Higher Education and Assessment - Dr. Candice McQueen, Lipscomb - 5:21
Testifying on Standards - Audrey Buffington -5:53
Testifying on Preparing Tennessee's Workforce - Mr. Pitt Hyde III, Autozone Founder - 6:17
Testifing on the Insider's View - Jerry Lowery - Assistant Principal at White County High School - 6:37
Testifying on the Military Perspective - Lt. Col. Eric Goslowsky, Director of J-9 - 7:00

[Must add a comment about the Military testimony:  No one is more grateful for the sacrifices that so many men and women make to protect this nation from enemies foreign and domestic than I am. One of the reasons given for supporting National Standards is because of the mobility of students across state lines (military and otherwise).  By the Lt. Colonel's own testimony, the percentage of military  to the general population is .45%. Of course, not all of those service men and women have children of school age.   This article provides some good general information about Kids Who Move Across State Lines. "According to the 2011 American Community Survey which has the latest numbers we could find “ 1.7% of 5 to 17 year-olds moved from state to state". So let's be sober about these numbers.]

All of our speakers (in BOLD) were OUTSTANDING and even though we had to arrange the speaking sequence to accommodate travel schedules, I think God was overseeing it for us as the placement of the different speakers worked very well.

We are so grateful to Committee Chairman, Senator Dolores Gresham (please THANK HER HERE), for providing this opportunity to have a full airing of the concerns about the Common Core State Standards.  Sen. Gresham stated that the committee members would be reflecting on the testimony brought before the committee, would draft a report for the full Senate which would probably include recommendations and possible legislation.

We, too, will be evaluating the situation and reviewing our options as we look toward the General Assembly returning to Nashville in January.


Senate Education Committee



Thank you to all who attended"Confronting the Common Core: A panel discussion exposing the threat to academic freedom"

Tennessee Eagle Forum was a proud co-sponsor of this incredible event on April 30th, addressing one of the most important issues of our day.  We are so grateful for the 18 lawmakers who took time out of their busy schedules to come from all over the state to take advantage of the expertise brought by our panel. Speakers were  Jamie Gass of the Pioneer InstituteLindsay Burke of The Heritage Foundation, Bill Evers of theHoover Institution, and Emmet McGroarty and Jane Robbins of theAmerican Principles Project.

Sen. Mae Beavers (Mt. Juliet), Sen. Mike Bell (Riceville), Sen. Janice Bowling (Tullahoma), Sen. Dolores Gresham, Chairman of the Senate Education Committee, (Summerville), Sen. Ferrell Haile (Gallatin), Sen. Jack Johnson (Franklin), Sen. Jim Tracy (Shelbyville), Rep. Shelia Butt (Columbia), Rep. Mike Carter (Ooltewah), Rep. Glen Casada (Thompson Station), Rep. Mary Littleton (Dickson), Rep. Rep. Debra Moody (Covington), Rep. Mark Pody (Lebanon), Rep. Courtney Rogers (Goodlettsville), Rep. Charles Sargent (Franklin), Rep. Terri Lynn Weaver (Lancaster), Rep. Dawn White (Murfreesboro), numerous members of local boards of education, many teachers, parents, grassroots activists gathered in the Cool Springs Embassy Suites last evening to hear from five nationally known speakers on the Common Core Standards.

While many of us have been busy bringing this issue to the attention of legislators and parents for some time now, this event was really a 'kick off' of a long term campaign to bring the TRUTH about Common Core to the citizens of Tennessee.  Our children deserve no less.    You will certainly want to 'stay tuned' -- we will let you know when these videos are posted on YouTube so that you can share these with family and friends. In addition, there will be other events and the distribution of additional information that you will want to know about and use!!

Posted on 04/04/2016 1:34 PM by Bobbie Patray
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