Speaking from the White House Monday evening, President Donald Trump announced America will be "open for business very soon" as the country continues to battle the Wuhan coronavirus.
"America will again and soon be open for business. Very soon, a lot sooner than three or four months as someone was suggesting. We're not going to let the cure be worse than the problem itself. We're not going to let the cure be worse than the problem," Trump said. "This was a medical problem, we are not going to let it turn into a long lasting financial problem."
"Our country wasn't built to be shut down," he continued. "If you had a viable business in January we are committed to ensuring the same is true in the coming weeks, in fact we want to make it better than before."
The tension between medical decisions and a cratering economy are increasing by the day as millions lose their jobs. President Trump urged Americans to continue the 15-day "stop the spread" plan, which includes social distancing and hygiene efforts.
"I want Americans to know that we will get through this challenge. The hardship will end, it will end soon, normal life will return and our economy will rebound very very strongly but right now in the midst of this great national trial, Americans must remain united in purpose and focused on victory," Trump said. "To every single American please know that the sacrifice you are making at this time is saving lives."
During his remarks, President Trump urged lawmakers on Capitol Hill to put partisanship aside to pass a relief package which he said was "close." He also thanked truckers, grocers and other Americans working hard to maintain crucial supply lines throughout the country.
"I want to thank the American people for rising to the challenge and showing incredible courage, determination, patience, grace and grit. From New York to Seattle and everywhere in between your acts of selflessness and sacrifice and enguiniety are a powerful testimant to the American character," Trump said. "We will win this war and we will win it much sooner than people think. We'll be back in business as a country pretty soon. You'll be hearing about that also pretty soon."