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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: “Our System is ‘Innocent Until Proven Guilty’ Only for the Rich”
( - Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D.-N.Y.) sent out a series of Tweets on Saturday night condemning what she sees as systemic injustice in the U.S. justice system.
“All too often, our criminal justice system—from tickets to convictions—is treated as a game, where the one racks up the most ‘points’ wins,” she said.
“Paired w/foolish criminalization of marijuana, poverty, etc., it wrecks chaos on people’s lives + stagnates communities for generations,” she continued.
“As a result, our system is ‘innocent until proven guilty’ only for the rich & ‘guilty until proven innocent’ for the poor,” Ocasio-Cortez continued in a following Tweet.
“To borrow from @ZephyrTeachout, the RADICAL rule of law is the idea that in the same scenario, our courts would treat a billionaire the same as a Bronx teen.”
In following Tweet, she said: “It does not mean the treatment + presumption of guilt before a verdict. It does not mean we aim for the most positive punishment.
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