The chorus of Tennessee legislators calling on Governor Bill Lee to take action to help save the jobs of Tennessee National Guard members continues to grow.
Several additional Tennessee legislators have come forward to The Tennessee Star, issuing statements in solidarity with the Tennessee National Guardsmen who are about to lose their jobs due to noncompliance with the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
State Representative Jerry Sexton (R-Bean Station) urged Governor Bill Lee to take action to help the guardsmen.
“I strongly encourage Governor Lee to utilize all power at his disposal to intervene on behalf of the Tennessee National Guard soldiers that are about to be fired. The vaccine mandates are immoral and something must be done to protect the good men and women who serve our state in such a dedicated manner. I will be disappointed if Governor Lee does not act,” he said.
State Rep. Johnny Garrett (R-Goodlettsville) also added his voice to the group of Tennessee legislators speaking out.
“I support our National Guard, and I believe that the men and women who serve our country should decide for themselves, in consultation with their doctor, whether they want to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. I do not support any employer threatening someone’s job and livelihood based simply on their vaccination status,” he said.
The Star has confirmed that in addition to Sexton, State Reps Justin Lafferty (R-Knoxville), Chris Todd (R-Jackson), Terri Lynn Weaver (R-Lancaster), and John Ragan (R-Oak Ridge) will speak at the “Guard Freedom” event in support of the Tennessee National Guard soldiers.
The legislators will speak and there will be letter readings by surrogates from active-duty National Guard members who cannot speak publicly for fear that they will immediately lose their jobs, and a reading of requests for Governor Bill Lee to take immediate action on, on their behalf.
Some off-duty guardsmen are expected to attend the rally as well.
Governor Lee has been invited to join them in order to address this issue. As of press time, Lee has continued to ignore requests for comment, as has Attorney General Slatery.
After the event, several National Guard supporters and legislators will walk over a letter to Governor Bill Lee’s office asking for his support if the governor declines the invitation to address the gathering.
Additionally, State Rep. Mike Sparks (R-Smyrna) expressed support on his radio show on Sunday.