WASHINGTON, D.C., May 27, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Ex-homosexual and ex-transgender men and women from around the country descended upon the Nation’s Capital this weekend for the Second Annual “Freedom March” where they proclaimed the freedom they've found in abandoning homosexual and transgender practices.
“Look at this! This is Amazing! They say we don’t exist!” declared author and documentary producer M.J. Nixon, a March co-founder, as many gathered for a group picture. About 200 participated this year – a threefold increase over last year.
Former transwoman Jeffrey McCall kicked off the rally on the grounds of the Washington Monument, explaining that nobody here was forced to change: “It was the power of the Holy Spirit and the grace of Jesus Christ that fell on all of us.”
One testimony after another from the racially diverse group of mostly millennials spoke about their personal conversion to Jesus and the freedom they have found from lives dominated by active homosexuality or gender dysphoria.
Our identity is not in our sexuality; it is in Jesus Christ
Angel Colon, who survived the Pulse Nightclub massacre Orlando, Florida where 49 died, told his harrowing conversion story which began that night three years ago.
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Photo Credit: Doug Mainwaring / LifeSiteNews