The last abortion clinic in the state of Missouri may shut down this week and its closing may have nothing to do with the new pro-life law the state legislature passed to ban abortions.
Currently the only abortion facility doing abortions on unborn babies in the state of Missouri is located in St Louis and run by the Planned Parenthood abortion business. Planned Parenthood officials said Tuesday that the abortion center may have to close down because the state Health Department may refuse to issue a new license for the abortion business.
The current license for the abortion center expires on Friday and the abortion clinic has consistently injured women in botched abortions. In fact more than 70 women have been rushed to local hospitals after failed abortions at the Planned Parenthood Center.
In a statement, Planned Parenthood said Missouri’s health department is “refusing to renew” its annual license to provide abortion in the state. If the license is not renewed by May 31, Missouri would become the first state without a functioning abortion clinic since 1973 when Roe v. Wade was decided.
Planned Parenthood officials said Tuesday they would discuss “how the state is about to force the last remaining health center that provides abortion to stop providing services” during an 11 a.m. press call. The group cited “recent intimidation” by the Department of Health and Senior Services.
Dr. Randall Williams, director of DHSS, told the Post-Dispatch that the license for the clinic expires on Friday. He said the state would make a decision at that time on whether to renew the facility’s license.
Williams said he could not comment on Planned Parenthood’s application, but said the group turned in its license-renewal application around May 18, later than the clinic had in previous years.
A Columbia, Missouri Planned Parenthood facility already lost its state license.