When 16-year-old Autumn noticed a Teen Vogue article last week that tried to promote and normalize abortion to her peers, she could not stay silent.
The young pro-lifer worked with Students for Life of America to create a video response to the disgusting pro-abortion article.
The magazine’s piece encouraged teen girls to support a friend’s decision to abort her unborn baby by giving her gifts. While a pregnant teenager certainly deserves a lot of support and encouragement, the only support that Teen Vogue suggested was through abortion and abortion advocacy. Among its worst gift suggestions were an “F U-terus” pin and volunteer time at a local Planned Parenthood.
Autumn’s powerful and well-spoken response to the article already has captured the attention of thousands of viewers online.
“The point of the article was to make the situation seem as lighthearted and nonchalant as possible in order to convince girls my age that abortion is not big deal. We need to clarify one thing first — abortion is a big deal,” Autumn began in the video. “And to say it is not, is simply feeding us a lie.”
She said the teen magazine must be held accountable for such a “disgusting and disrespectful” article, targeted at an impressionable young audience.
“You trivialized an issue that leaves millions of women struggling every day,” the teen continued. “Such a blase approach hurts women who regret their abortions. It minimizes their pain.”
Later, she concluded: “If you know someone who has had an abortion, don’t buy them a gag gift and disguise it as a celebration. Treat it for what it is, a terrible loss. Go sit with her in her grief, pray for her … and promise to help her find healing.”
Click here to read full article and watch Autumn's response.