This isn’t about the Green New Deal, but we’ll get to that later today. It still has to deal with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her ongoing crusade against Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Her push to abolish ICE is partially what fueled her meteoric rise to Washington. Ocasio-Cortez took out longtime Democrat Joe Crowley in an upset primary that had many saying it was the Democratic version of what Republican Congressman David Brat did to then-House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in Virginia.
We all know the game here. First, we need immigration enforcement. We need federal agents working in tandem with local officials to do it. This isn’t a serious proposal, but it gets the far left riled up. And because it isn’t a serious proposal, you get half-baked jargon from the people peddling it. Yesterday, Ocasio-Cortez declared that Latinos couldn’t be declared illegal because…they’re descendants of native people (via Free Beacon).