“Newly Elected Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Wore Palestinian Flag at Primary Victory Celebration,” by Kristinn Taylor, Gateway Pundit,November 7, 2018:
Democrat Palestinian-American Rashida Tlaib was draped in a Palestinian flag as she celebrated her primary victory with supporters in August. On Tuesday night Tlaib handily won with over 90 percent of the vote the general election for Michigan’s 13th Congressional District seat vacated by John Conyers’ resignation last December.
Video taken of Tlaib’s victory speech for the August 7th primary showed an emotional Tlaib being embraced by her Palestinian mother,Fatima Elabed, who took the flag off her daughter and draped it on her own shoulders. No American flag was seen in video taken of Tlaib’s speech. Tlaib is a member of Democrat Socialists of America.
Tlaib proudly spoke of her relatives up before dawn in the West Bank watching on TV as their granddaughter was elected to Congress. The crowd responded with ululating.
Video of Tlaib’s speech was posted to Twitter by law professor Khaled Beydoun Tuesday night without clarification that it was from August….