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Pro-Life Vice President Mike Pence to Address 37th Annual March for Life Rose Dinner
Vice President Mike Pence is a longtime pro-life advocate and signed legislation while he was Indiana governor to save babies from abortions.
Today, March for Life announced that Vice President Pence will address its 37th annual Rose Dinner happening on January 18th, 2019.
“It is a great honor to have Vice President Pence speak at this year’s Rose Dinner,” said Jeanne Mancini, President of March for Life.
She told LifeNews, “The Vice President made history in 2017 when he addressed the March for Life just one week after the inauguration, and we are delighted to have him return to speak in a more intimate setting. Throughout his extensive career, Vice President Pence has remained exemplary in his commitment to protecting the sanctity of unborn life and it is our utmost privilege to have a pro-life champion of his stature address this year’s Rose Dinner.”
Pence will be joined by keynote speaker Dr. Kathi Aultman, former abortionist and fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, in addressing the 37th annual Rose Dinner.
Indiana Right to Life President Mike Fichter has praised Pence, saying he “is devoted to protecting the unborn and their mothers” and that his pro-life views are “more than a talking point.”
Pence has put his pro-life position into action time and time again. Indiana is a better state for the unborn and their mothers because of the Governor’s pro-life leadership.
“Even before becoming the state’s top executive, Gov. Pence demonstrated his willingness to fight for the protection of life in a meaningful way. In Congress, Pence led the effort to defund the nation’s largest abortion business, Planned Parenthood,” Fichter added.
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In 2017, Pence addressed the March for Life, making him the first vice president ever to address the pro-life event in person.
“Let me be clear: People who know me well know I’m pro-life, and I don’t apologize for it,” he’s said previously. “I want to live to see the day that we put the sanctity of life back at the center of American law, and we send Roe v. Wade to the ash heap of history, where it belongs.”
During his time as governor, Pence signed legislation to bring dignity to the unborn and their mothers. Among the pro-life measures signed by Gov. Pence:
- Prohibit children from being targeted for abortion on the sole basis of their sex, race, national origin or a potential disability
- Provide final dignified disposition of aborted babies so that they aren’t treated as medical waste or used for experiments
- Establish health and safety standards are chemical abortion facilities
- Provide $1,000 adoption credit for parents
- Increase penalties for failure to properly report abortions
- Promote umbilical cord donation, an ethical alternative to embryonic stem cell research
- Require that abortion doctors document their admitting privileges with the State Department of Health
- Increase awareness of positive support for parents of Down syndrome children
- Provide information on perinatal hospice to parents who receive an adverse prenatal diagnosis
- Increase informed consent measures for women seeking abortions, including full color photos of fetal development printed in informed consent information
- Protect consumers from being forced to pay for private insurance plans that include unrestricted abortion coverage
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