Here are the Blogs in the Education category.
Monday, 4 March 2019
Democrats aim to nationalize not only the economy, but also families. Presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris have both publicly endorsed socialized child care.
Warren’s plan is supposedly funded by (what else) wealth confiscation — but only from “the rich,” so don’t worry, everybody. ...Read More...
Posted on 03/04/2019 2:37 PM by Bobbie Patray
Monday, 18 February 2019
The Common Core teaching methods pushed by the Obama Administration are continuing to show failure as math scores hit a record 20-year low and show no signs of improving.
Former President Obama forced schools in the US to adopt the controversial teaching method, yet teachers are reporting a significant ...Read More...
Posted on 02/18/2019 9:52 AM by Bobbie Patray
Monday, 18 February 2019
Newly released data detailing how ready Tennessee students are for college paint a grim picture of the state's continued challenges in improving K-12 education.
The data, released to the state Senate Education Committee at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday and obtained by the USA TODAY NETWORK - Tennessee, tally college ...Read More...
Posted on 02/18/2019 9:51 AM by Bobbie Patray
Monday, 18 February 2019
An education analyst who says the Common Core Standards have been the “worst large-scale educational failure in 40 years” told Breitbart News the business community especially propped up the education reform, primarily to provide basic skills to immigrant workers.
“A lot of people don’t realize the ...
Posted on 02/18/2019 9:49 AM by Bobbie Patray
Monday, 18 February 2019
A school in Florida has soared to the number one position in the State’s top schools list, after it ditched the Common Core program in favor of traditional teaching methods, according to government statistics.
The charter school, Mason Classical Academy, in Naples, Florida, decided against forcing ...Read More...
Posted on 02/18/2019 9:46 AM by Bobbie Patray
Tuesday, 12 February 2019
Common Core sucked all the energy, money, and motivation right out of desperately needed potential reforms to U.S. public schools for a decade, and for nothing.
By Joy Pullmann
NOVEMBER 5, 2018
It’s been about nine years since the Obama administration lured states into adopting Common ...Read More...
Posted on 02/12/2019 5:42 AM by Bobbie Patray
Thursday, 10 January 2019
Critics of the public school system, myself included, often disparage government schools for failing to teach kids. Yes, it’s alarming U.S. students continue to lag academically behind their international peers (only about one-third of high school graduates are prepared for college), and it’s pathetic ...Read More...
Posted on 01/10/2019 8:49 AM by Bobbie Patray
Thursday, 10 January 2019
As the Tennessee Department of Education prepares to roll out new academic standards in math, English, social studies and science, it’s turning attention to creating the state’s first-ever set of standards in a completely new arena — social and emotional learning.
Tennessee will spend the next year ...
Posted on 01/10/2019 8:47 AM by Bobbie Patray
Thursday, 10 January 2019
Have public schools run their course? Just asking that question will irritate a lot of people, Christians included. But I think we have to ask the question, given an announcement last week by the Nashville Chamber of Commerce relative to what it wants from public education. Those who don’t ask and answer ...Read More...
Posted on 01/10/2019 8:45 AM by Bobbie Patray
Thursday, 10 January 2019
Poverty, lack of food, traumatic events.
These and many others are negative experiences that a large portion of Metro Nashville Public Schools' 85,300 students brings with them into the classroom every day.
Framed by the question of what students need to be successful in the classroom, the Nashville ...Read More...
Posted on 01/10/2019 8:42 AM by Bobbie Patray
Wednesday, 2 January 2019
Schools in Brighton have been ordered to teach children as young as eight that people “of all genders” can have periods, as well as to install sanitary waste disposal units in every toilet room.
The instructions were included in guidelines published by the local council earlier this month on ‘Taking ...Read More...
Posted on 01/02/2019 9:33 AM by Bobbie Patray
Wednesday, 2 January 2019
A lawsuit against a Pennsylvania school district will be filed later this month, if the district continues its refusal to allow parents to see a series of pro-LGBT videos that their children were forced to watch in April. In a June 22 letter to the East Penn School District, Liberty Counsel attorney ...Read More...
Posted on 01/02/2019 9:32 AM by Bobbie Patray
Wednesday, 2 January 2019
Every parent knows the difference a year makes in the development and maturity of a young child. A one-year-old is barely walking while a two-year-old gleefully sprints away from you. A four-year-old is always moving, always imagining, always asking why, while a five-year-old may start to sit and listen ...Read More...
Posted on 01/02/2019 9:30 AM by Bobbie Patray
Wednesday, 2 January 2019
Today's students see themselves as digital natives, the first generation to grow up surrounded by technology like smartphones, tablets and e-readers.
Teachers, parents and policymakers certainly acknowledge the growing influence of technology and have responded in kind. We've seen more investment in ...Read More...
Posted on 01/02/2019 9:28 AM by Bobbie Patray
Wednesday, 2 January 2019
Ever wondered if all that screen time is negatively affecting your child’s brain? Bad news, I am afraid. According to all the experts, this electronic screen syndrome (ESS) is causing sleep deprivation, social isolation, behavior problems, and a hyper aroused nervous system.
Some paediatricians have ...
Posted on 01/02/2019 9:26 AM by Bobbie Patray
Thursday, 20 December 2018
Eighty years ago, a museum curator aboard a fishing trawler in the Indian Ocean got a shock felt around the world. In a net full of mundane fish, he found one he’d never expected to see. It was a coelecanth. Why hadn’t he expected to see it? Because ichthyologists (fish scientists) believed it had gone ...Read More...
Posted on 12/20/2018 7:59 AM by Bobbie Patray
Monday, 26 November 2018
It’s been about nine years since the Obama administration lured states into adopting Common Core sight unseen, with promises it would improve student achievement. Like President Obama’s other big promises — “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” — this one’s been proven a scam.
“If you ...
Posted on 11/26/2018 9:29 AM by Bobbie Patray
Monday, 26 November 2018
Most public schools are still afflicted with the Common Core national standards. Paid advocates such as the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation continue to push Common Core despite overwhelming evidence of the slow-motion train wreck that has resulted – reduced student achievement by almost every metric. Fordham ...Read More...
Posted on 11/26/2018 9:27 AM by Bobbie Patray
Monday, 26 November 2018
Nine years after Barack Obama forced schools around the country to adopt Common Core, teachers are coming forward with results to prove the controversial teaching method is a failure, and significantly less effective than traditional teaching methods.
Parents and teachers across the nation are now ...
Posted on 11/26/2018 9:24 AM by Bobbie Patray
Monday, 19 November 2018
Today's students see themselves as digital natives, the first generation to grow up surrounded by technology like smartphones, tablets and e-readers.
Teachers, parents and policymakers certainly acknowledge the growing influence of technology and have responded in kind. We've seen more investment in ...Read More...
Posted on 11/19/2018 9:24 AM by Bobbie Patray