Here are the Blogs in the Pro-Life category.
Monday, 31 December 2018
Chances are you’ve heard of the pro-abortion feminists who protest topless for abortion at The Vatican or infiltrate Catholic Churches to push their radical abortion agenda. In Spain, once time, as the Spanish government pushes a pro-life ...Read More...
Posted on 12/31/2018 5:42 AM by Bobbie Patray
Thursday, 27 December 2018
These are interesting times in the battle over abortion here in Tennessee. Four years ago, an effort to amend Tennessee’s state constitution was successful. Years in the making, it was one of the most expensive and vigorously contested ballot measures in the state’s history.
It has led to passage ...
Posted on 12/27/2018 7:12 AM by Bobbie Patray
Wednesday, 26 December 2018
Leave it to ABC’s The View to connect Christmas – the celebration of the world’s most important birth – to abortion. But that it did. According to Whoopi Goldberg, the right to publicly celebrate Christmas is the same as a “woman’s right to choose.”
During The View on Dec. 13, Goldberg brought ...
Posted on 12/26/2018 5:33 AM by Bobbie Patray
Monday, 17 December 2018
During a Congressional hearing today, a leading scientist informed members of Congress that research with body parts from aborted babies has never been needed to treat patients or find cures for diseases.
Tara Sander Lee, Ph.D. is an Associate Scholar with the Charlotte Lozier Institute. She earned ...Read More...
Posted on 12/17/2018 9:45 AM by Bobbie Patray
Monday, 17 December 2018
A federal district court issued an order Tuesday that permanently prevents the federal government from enforcing the Affordable Care Act’s abortion-pill mandate against six Christian organizations represented by Alliance Defending Freedom. The order also declares that the mandate violates the organizations’ ...Read More...
Posted on 12/17/2018 9:43 AM by Bobbie Patray
Monday, 17 December 2018
Pro-abortion Democrats introduced a bill in the U.S. House this week that would force the government to declare the killing of unborn babies a “human right.”
The pro-abortion bill, the Reproductive Rights are Human Rights Act, would require the U.S. State Department to include abortion on demand ...Read More...
Posted on 12/17/2018 9:41 AM by Bobbie Patray
Monday, 17 December 2018
A mother who became pregnant after being violently raped has said that her son brought healing to their family in their darkest time.
US speaker Jennifer Christie was speaking with her husband Jeff at the March For Life in Valetta on Sunday, organised by Life Network Foundation Malta.
Hope after ...
Posted on 12/17/2018 9:39 AM by Bobbie Patray
Monday, 3 December 2018
A California pregnancy center miraculously survived the wildfire that claimed dozens of lives and countless homes.
CareNet of Paradise still stands, but many of its staff, volunteers and clients have suffered devastating losses, The Stream reports.
Linda Kalanquin, director of the pro-life organization, ...
Posted on 12/03/2018 9:28 AM by Bobbie Patray
Monday, 3 December 2018
Just before “Brianna’s” scheduled C-section, physician Brent Boles asked her if she’d allow a photo to be taken once the baby was born. He wouldn’t share any identifying information with the world, he said. Just the photo.
A photo to celebrate human life.
A photo to explain just why he provides ...
Posted on 12/03/2018 9:25 AM by Bobbie Patray
Monday, 3 December 2018
The abortion rate in America continues to decline as the work of pro-life advocates empower more women to choose life for their unborn babies.
A new report by the Centers for Disease Control showed abortions at an all-time low since 1973, the year when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Roe v. Wade, according ...Read More...
Posted on 12/03/2018 9:24 AM by Bobbie Patray
Friday, 30 November 2018
As Nikki Haley’s days as US ambassador to the United Nations come to an end, President Trump is actively looking for a replacement. Among those reportedly being considered is John James, the businessman, Iraq War veteran, and former Michigan Senate candidate who ran against Sen. Debbie Stabenow in the ...Read More...
Posted on 11/30/2018 11:02 AM by Bobbie Patray
Monday, 19 November 2018
West Virginia is one of 17 states that forces its taxpayers to pay for elective abortions. But that could change now that state voters approved Amendment 1 saying there is no right to abortion.
West Virginians tonight approved a constitutional amendment that makes it clear that their state does not ...Read More...
Posted on 11/19/2018 10:28 AM by Bobbie Patray
Monday, 19 November 2018
Alabama voters proved once again that when people get a chance to go to the polls they generally vote for unborn children. And they did just that tonight by approving a amanemdment saying unborn babies have a right to life.
The proposed constitutional amendment asked voters to “affirm that it is ...Read More...
Posted on 11/19/2018 10:26 AM by Bobbie Patray
Monday, 19 November 2018
The Trump administration today issued a new rule designed to protect Americans from being forced to pay for abortions under Obamacare.
Today the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued a new rule directing insurers selling Obamacare plans that cover elective abortion to collect a separate ...Read More...
Posted on 11/19/2018 10:25 AM by Bobbie Patray
Tuesday, 13 February 2018
It took 15 years of work to get it to the people, but after the people of Tennessee voted in November to amend the TN Constitution to overturn the 2000 State Supreme Court decision, the members of the the 2015 Legislative Session did their part in passing legislation that put into laws that will assure ...Read More...
Posted on 02/13/2018 1:28 PM by Bobbie Patray