Legislative Update, March 24, 2018

Tennessee General Assembly information, click HERE. For information on State Senators, including phone numbers and email addresses, click HERE; for House members, click HERE. For information on legislation, click HERE.
Don't forget that you can now watch the Senate committee meetings and floor sessions online by going HERE; House committee meetings and floor sessions online HERE.
Phone calls can go to the legislative Switchboard at 615-741-3011 or to the Toll Free number 1-800-449-8366+1 last four digits of office phone number (available online).

"The real problem isn't the Constitution, it is noncompliance with the Constitution by Congress and Presidents and Federal Bureaucrats.  Enforcement of the Constitution is the solution not changing the Constitution." Bliss Tew

It is SUCH a pleasure to let you know that after some horrific experiences just trying to get a successful hip replacement, Rep. Mary Littleton was back at the Capitol this week.  Because of all the previous surgeries, her recovery will probably take a little longer than normal, but she is on her way to restored health.  She expressed great appreciation for all the prayers and concern.  We certainly want to continue praying for her recovery.

Unfortunately, Jonathan was under the weather and didn't get to come this week.

This week at the internship I learned just how stressful getting a bill passed can be. We went to several committee meetings. In some, you may want to  fall asleep and some had you hanging on the edge of your seat. All in all, I learned a lot and it was a lot of fun to have some one-on-one with Mrs Bobbie about politics and other such things

What a doozy of a day! We spent most of our morning in appointments, spending our time talking to representatives about the bills we would hear later on in the State Government subcommittee. At eleven, we found ourselves in the Criminal Justice commitee, waiting through eleven bills (that, nonetheless, were very interesting) to get to the Medical Marijuana bill, or HB  1709 by Faison. It was 12:45 a.m. when we started talking about it, and we managed to get through one testimony and one question when Chairman Lamberth had to put a full-stop to the committee meeting, as we were about to go overtime. Unlike what channel 4 news said, we did not spend hours debating over the bill! However, I believe the real interest of the day was when we entered the State Government subcommittee. In truth, I don't believe I can rightly explain what happened with our bills. I had to leave before I could hear our second bill, but listening to the first, I had no idea how stressful it could be, just sitting in a chair. The entire day was moderately taxing, but listening to that bill took the cake. Still, I am so thankful to be able to be here and be able to listen! It's such a joy to come up to the capitol every week!

It is always a fun day with a competition between the House and the Senate. This year it was a log sawing contest that the House won with Rep. Jeremy Faison and Rep. Bill Dunn getting the job done. Just a few of our visitors.

NOTES:  Many House Full and subcommittees have closed down, many more will have their last calendar next week. Some of the Senate committees too. That means that YOUR VOICE is more important than EVER!!! Bills are moving (or NOT) at a breakneck speed and will live or die for good in the coming week.  YOU can be a part of the KEYBOARD WARRIORS and YOU can make a difference.  BE FAITHFUL.

SB 2332 by *Green , Bell, Ketron, Roberts, Pody, Southerland, Bowling, Jackson,
HB 2315 by *Reedy, Terry, Sexton J, Moody, Rogers, Hill M, Goins, Eldridge, Byrd, Matheny
Immigration - As introduced, prohibits state and local governmental entities and officials from adopting sanctuary policies; authorizes Tennessee residents and members of the general assembly to submit complaints to the attorney general; provides that violations subject entities to ineligibility of state moneys; requires law enforcement agencies to enter into memorandums of agreement with federal officials concerning enforcement of federal immigration laws
STATUS: SB2332 was in Senate State and Local on Tuesday, where THANKFULLY it passed 7-1:
Senators voting aye were: Bailey, Briggs, Gardenhire, Jackson, Johnson, Ketron, Yager -- 7.  Senators voting no were: Yarbro -- 1.
It has not yet been scheduled on the Senate floor, but is is NOT TOO early for you to contact the other senators and POLITELY ask them to support this important bill. Find Senators HERE.
STATUS: HB2315 was on the State Subcommittee Calendar, but when it was called up, the committee did not have the amendment that had re-written the bill, so it was rolled to next week. 
ACTION: Despite the fact that 63 House members signed a letter opposing Sanctuary Cities this summer, passage of this bill is NOT assured, in fact, there may be a plan to defeat it in the House. We cannot take anything for granted on this important issue. Find Committee members HERE. Please urge the members to support this bill.
Senate State & Local Government Committee Passes Two Important Anti-Ilegal Immigration Bills


SB 2333 by *Green, Bell, HB 2312 by *Lamberth, Casada, Hill M, Holt
Public Officials - As introduced, prohibits the use of consular identification cards, and other similar documents not authorized by the general assembly for use for identification purposes, for determining a person's identity or residency by an official or employee of the state or any political subdivision of the state; prohibits local governments and law enforcement agencies from establishing the acceptability of any such cards or documents.
STATUS:  SB2333 was also presented in State and Local.  It ran into a little more difficulty, but, thankfully passed 5-1-2. Senators voting aye were: Bailey, Jackson, Johnson, Ketron, Yager -- 5, Senators voting no were: Yarbro -- 1,    Senators present and not voting were: Briggs, Gardenhire -- 2. It has not yet been scheduled on the Senate floor.
ACTION: HB2312 was in House State Government Subcommittee on Wednesday where it nearly ran into a buz saw. TIRRC showed up to testify again it, but thankfully it was voted out on a voice vote, Jernigan requested to be recorded as voting No. Next week in the Full State Government Committee may be a different story. Your voice can make the difference.
TN Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition Leaders Finally Admit to Legislative Committee They Want to Keep Illegal Immigrants in Tennessee


SB 1710 by *Dickerson, HB 1749 by Faison, Ramsey
Health Care - As introduced, enacts the "Medical Cannabis Act"; establishes medical cannabis commission for regulation of cannabis-related health care. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 29; Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 4; Title 50; Title 53, Chapter 11; Title 67 and Title 68.
NOTE: This is against federal law. Representatives from the TBI, the Sheriff's Association, and the District Attorneys Conference testified AGAINST HB1749. EVERY state that went on to decriminalize and legalize marijuana broke through this barrier, so this vote CANNOT be cast in isolation. Without trying to sound heartless and bereft of compassion, hard cases make bad law, also, offering this as an option for the opioid epidemic is speculation at best.Whatever you legalize you get more of -- legal and illegal.
The Commercialization of Marijuana
STATUS:  HB1749 - Well, it was another dramatic day in the House Criminal Justice Committee. The large room was full, about half the folks there for this bill. It was 12:45 when they got to it and they only had 15 minutes before the next committee had to come in. The Department of Health testified against the rewritten proposal before adjournment. Chairman William Lamberth promised it would be first on the Calendar next week. 
ACTION:  Please contact members of the Criminal Justice Committee and urge the members to 'Just Say NO!"

House sponsor significantly alters medical cannabis legislation


SB 2263 by *Gardenhire, HB 2429 by *White M
Education, Higher - As introduced, exempts certain students from paying out-of-state tuition at state institutions of higher education
STATUS:  HB2429 is still sitting in Education Administration & Planning but has not been put on the calendar yet. SB 2263 is scheduled in Senate Education Committee calendar on Wednesday.
Did you know that ANYONE can sign up for Western Governors' University?  No instate or out-of-state tuition difference.  Did you know that illegals can attend private schools?
ACTION:  Please contact the members of this committee and urge them to defeat this legislation.
State Rep. Mark White Continues to Mislead Legislators on His In-State Tuition Bills .

CHECK THIS OUT:  Illegal Alien In-state Tuition.

SB 1908 by *Niceley, HB 2109 by *Tillis , TRAVIS, CALFEE, MARSH
Business and Commerce - As introduced, establishes the Tennessee horse racing commission to regulate horse racing and pari-mutuel wagering in Tennessee.
This 53 page bill basically sets up a gambling parlors in that it legalizes simulcasting and parimutuel gambling. Horse racing is a sport on the decline and new tracks find it very difficult to support themselves simply by running the horses around the track.
STATUS:  HB2109 - Well, it was high drama on Wednesday when this bill was heard and there was obvious shock in the room when it FAILED!  (Of course I was thrilled.) Interested parties went into the hall and felt assured that despite that 'failure', it would be back on the calendar next week.
ACTION:  Well, it is in the State Government Subcommittee again on Wednesday. PLEASE help us STOP gambling parlors in Tennessee by contacting members of this committee and urge them to vote NO.
STATUS: SB1908 was on the Calendar Tuesday.  There were a lot of questions and some inadequate answers. It was decided that more information was needed and it was rolled until next Tuesday.
ACTION: Please contact members of the Senate State and Local Government Committee and urge them to vote NO!
For more information please click HERE.

SB 2494 by *Johnson, Hensley, Bell, Green, Haile, HB 2262 by *Dunn, Zachary, Brooks H, Smith, McDaniel, Rudd, Kane, Byrd, Gant, Terry, Weaver, Curcio, Crawford, Moody, Faison, Ragan, Sherrell, Rogers, Kumar, White D, Lamberth
Birth Control - As introduced, revises the manner in which family planning funds may be disbursed by the department of health
STATUS:SB2494 passed the Senate 25-1-1: 
Senators voting aye were: Bell, Bowling, Briggs, Crowe, Dickerson, Gardenhire, Gresham, Haile, Harper, Hensley, Jackson, Johnson, Kelsey, Ketron, Kyle, Lundberg, Massey, Niceley, Pody, Roberts, Southerland, Stevens, Swann, Yager, Mr. Speaker McNally -- 25, Senators voting no were: Yarbro -- 1, Senators present and not voting were: Harris -- 1.
HB 2262 passed the House 74-15-1:
 Representatives voting aye were: Boyd, Brooks H., Brooks K., Butt, Byrd, Calfee, Carr, Carter, Casada, Coley, Crawford, Curcio, Daniel, DeBerry, Doss, Dunn, Eldridge, Faison, Farmer, Fitzhugh, Forgety, Gant, Goins, Halford, Hawk, Hazlewood, Hicks, Hill T., Holsclaw, Holt, Howell, Hulsey, Jernigan, Johnson, Keisling, Kumar, Lamberth, Lollar, Lynn, Marsh, Matlock, McDaniel, Moody, Moon, Pitts, Powers, Ragan, Ramsey, Reedy, Rogers, Rudd, Sanderson, Sargent, Sexton C., Sexton J., Shaw, Sherrell, Smith, Sparks, Terry, Tillis, Travis, Turner, Van Huss, Vaughan, Weaver, White D., White M., Whitson, Williams, Windle, Wirgau, Zachary, Madame Speaker Harwell -- 74.
          Representatives voting no were: Akbari, Camper, Clemmons, Favors, Gilmore, Hardaway, Jones, Miller, Mitchell, Parkinson, Powell, Staples, Stewart, Thompson, Towns -- 15. Representatives present and not voting were: Beck -- 1.

Sen. Roberts, Lt. Gov. McNally condemn deceptive “Middle of the Night” Phone Calls

Bill to arm TN teachers advances; sponsor says Haslam school safety plan not enough

TN February unemployment rate 3.4 percent

Legislative Plaza to become parking deck

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