Parental Rights Act of 2014
SB 2559 by *Bowling, Hensley, Bell, Tate, Green, Dickerson, Burks, Crowe, Gardenhire,
( HB 2453 by *Matheny),Holt, Dunn, Hill M, Moody, Butt, Womick, Casada, Faison, Carr J, Matlock, Shipley, White D, Carter, Doss, Pody, Weaver, Kane, Williams R, DeBerry J, Alexander, Spivey
Requires local boards of education to make policies that will authorize parents or guardians to review all teaching materials, instructional materials, and other teaching aids, as well as all tests developed and graded by the teacher of their student.
Such teaching materials shall be made readily available upon request. Local education agencies (LEAs) shall make policies that authorize parents or guardians access to review all surveys, analyses, or evaluations, prior to these instruments being administered to their student. Such policies shall authorize parents or guardians to opt their student out of participation in such instruments.
Requires LEAs to disclose the purpose of any surveys, analyses, or evaluation materials and the persons that will access the results.
STATUS: Thrilled to report that, as amended, on April 10, SB2559 passed the Senate floor 27-0; on April 15, HB2453 passed the floor 95-0. Thank you Sen. Bowling and Rep. Matheny!!
It became Public Chapter Number 1013
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